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These consisted of a wooden trough running out of the hill-side, and supplied by one of the thousand tiny brooks that burst out everywhere. At these the thirsty little engine drank copiously, and often; until finally, after many hours, we rounded a high projecting cliff, and in a moment after reached the little station of Darjeeling, which signifies "Up in the Clouds."

Mount Dwalaghiri in Nepaul is of nearly the same height as Kanchinjinga: then, there are two peaks which attain twenty-six thousand feet; four about twenty-four thousand feet; and over twenty that reach an elevation exceeding twenty thousand feet! Leaving Darjeeling, I visited one of the large tea-gardens near the terai at the foot of the hills.

He leaves Calcutta with the thinnest clothing he can buy, but when he arrives there he is glad that he brought his overcoat and gloves, and pulls a second blanket over himself at night. At the same time it is not so cold in Darjeeling as one would expect from the altitude of 7,400 feet above the sea, and the latitude, which is about 27 degrees 50 minutes.

"She's going out to rejoin him." "What!" Rutton came swiftly back to Amber, his voice shaking. "What did you say?" "Why, yes. She travels with friends by the western route to join Colonel Farrell at Darjeeling, where he's stationed just now. Shortly after I came down she left; Mrs.

The yellow-billed chough. In summer this species is not usually seen at elevations below 11,000 feet. Garrulus bispecularis. The Himalayan jay. Not so abundant as in the Western Himalayas. Parus monticola. The green-backed tit. A common bird. Very abundant round about Darjeeling. Machlolophus spilonotus. The black-spotted yellow tit.

One, a tall, fair man, named Charlesworth, a captain in a Rifle battalion quartered in Lebong, the military suburb of Darjeeling, remarked to his companion: "I wonder who is the pretty, golden-haired girl travelling with that native. How the deuce does she come to be with him? She can't be his wife." "You never know," replied the other, an artillery subaltern named Turner.

Sheep are also used at times to carry bags of borax to market near the plains, where they are shorn of their fleece, and return to the mountains laden with salt. The culminating point of the range, and the highest peak in the world, is Mount Everest, a little more than twenty-nine thousand feet above the level of the sea; but it is rarely visible from Darjeeling.

At first it seems strange to see the tea-plant flourishing at such an altitude, covering hundreds of acres of the mountain's sides, on the road descending from Darjeeling, towards the plains of Hindoostan, but it must be remembered that the latitude of this region is just about that of Florida and the West Indies.

But, for all the attractiveness of its workmanship, there was no longer any danger of my mistaking it for merely an empty box. My Morning Songs came to an end, their last echo dying out with The Echo which I wrote at Darjeeling. This apparently proved such an abstruse affair that two friends laid a wager as to its real meaning.

He passed within a foot of Amber, and from somewhere a voice spoke the Virginian could have taken an oath that the babu's lips did not move in a clear yet discreet whisper. "To-morrow," it said; "Darjeeling." Amber hitched his cloak round him and entered the hotel. "Badshah Junction, Mr. Amber ... Badshah Junction ... We'll be there in 'alf an hour ..."