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"If you mean a dodge, why don't you say a dodge?" retorted Billy; "well, what is your dodge? look alive, for daddy'll be shoutin' for his grog in a minute."

"I've just got to Daddy'll be awfully disappointed if I don't." And then, taking her place in the line that was filing into Big Hall, she whispered to Nancy, "What're we going to have this morning?" "I'm not sure," said Nancy, "but I think Ruth Laughton's going to speak. I saw her going into Miss Meredith's study this morning." The last period of Friday morning school belonged to Miss Meredith.

Gus nodded and the old gentleman continued, addressing his remarks to his daughter and Skeets: "Now, if I know anything at all about anything at all I know what I'm goin' to do. I ain't got no eddication, but that ain't goin' to keep me from seein' some others git it. You Gracie, fer one, an' you, too, Skeeter, if your old daddy'll let you come an' go to school with Gracie.

"Daddy'll plant it this very minute, little one;" and to himself he added, "and I'll plant it where I can see it best in case I should forget again." A voice came calling down the path to them, "Father, supper's ready. Margery, come in to supper;" but the little forget-me-not had to be planted first, and Margery had to stay and help, of course.

Yer Daddy'll be here soon. Wonder if the game warden air out to-night?" As if in answer to her question they heard the dipping of oars and a little later a boat was dragged to its moorings on the shore. "Satisfied" Longman entered with his son and Ben Letts. "Daddy were tired and didn't come for me?" asked Tessibel.

"Haven't you made any kisses?" "No, dearie." "But," protested the child, "daddy'll be so disappointed!" "Will he, honey? That wouldn't do, would it? ... Very well, then, mother'll make some kisses." With Muriel looking on, the mother made several large, and heavy crosses at the foot of that which she had written.

"He had the first thing, after the radishes, for the table from his garden, and Mab and I haven't anything. Daddy'll get his own prize." "No, I promise you I will not take the prize for these tomatoes, even if I did raise them in my part of the garden," said Daddy Blake with a smile. "And I won't count the radishes we had before the tomatoes were ripe, either. Those belonged to all of us.

David administered two smart pats, then rang the bell for the housemaid. Sandy stationed himself on the rug opposite his father, and looked at his reddened hand, considering. 'I don't seem to mind much, Daddy! he said at last, looking up. 'No, sir. Daddy'll have to try and find something that you will mind. The tone was severe, and David did his best to frown.

"Ye can't go to prison with me, Tess," he said coaxingly; "set up like a good brat ... Daddy'll kiss ye good-bye." "I air goin'," she insisted. "It air like a dead man's yard without ye in the shanty.... I can wash dishes. I can do a hull lot if ye'll take me with ye, Daddy Skinner." Not one whit less rigid was the slender body, the closed lids only pressed tighter together.

Even in the shadow, Frederick saw her distinctly as he came toward the house. "My own little wife!" he whispered tumultuously. "How happy I am!" "Won't ye take me home now?" murmured Tess. "It air late an' Daddy'll be worried." "We'll start at once," promised Frederick tenderly, leading her down the steps.