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"Nat now, darlin'," replied Rory. "Sure we'll come an' see the pine when we've lavin's o' time; but we're in a hurry now. Stap here an' kape Misther Collins company. Daddy'll be back at wanst." He kissed the child, and disappeared round the hop-bush. Then she turned her unfathomable eyes reproachfully on my face, as I sat on the ground. "A love you, Tammas, becos ye spake aisy till my Daddy.

Try any trade you like and Daddy'll be able to give you some advice in it that's the only thing that concerns you. Well now, tell me and he turned round and put his elbows on the table, leaning over to David 'When are you coming away, and what are your prospects? 'I told you about a fortnight would see it out, Daddy. And there's a little shop in But it's no good, Daddy. You can't keep secrets.

No answer; then a half-choked, "Don't 'ee think don't 'ee think! Your Daddy'll be here directly, my sweetie!" Gyp's eyes, wide open, passed from the firelight and that rocking figure to the little chink of light that was hardly light as yet, coming in at one corner of the curtain. She was remembering.

"You wouldn't dare touch me, if my folks were here, you big bully!" screeched the child, in a veritable mania of rage; jumping up and down and actually foaming at the mouth. "But I'll tell 'em on you! See if I don't! I'll tell 'em how you slung me around and said I was worsen a dirty dog like Lad. And Daddy'll lick you for it. See if he don't! He "