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When completed in 1810 it included five Codes the Code Civil, decreed March 1803; Code de Procedure Civile, decreed April 1806; Code de Commerce, decreed September 1807; Code d'Instruction Criminelle, decreed November 1808; and the Code Penal, decreed February 1810. It had to be retained by the Bourbons, and its principles have worked and are slowly working their way into the law of every nation.

He was a Gascon of gigantic stature and bodily daring; and the wildest tales were told of his outbursts of athletic humour; how he turned the juge d'instruction upside down and stood him on his head, "to clear his mind"; how he ran down the Rue de Rivoli with a policeman under each arm.

According to our plan the confrontation would be the means of setting me free at once. I was conveyed to the house in the Rue de Grammont, and here I was kept waiting for some little time while the juge d'instruction went in to prepare M. le Marquis, who was still far from well. Then I was introduced into the sick-room.

Memoire pour servir d'Instruction a Monsieur le Comte de Frontenac sur l'Entreprise de la Nouvelle York, 7 Juin, 1689.

The juge d'instruction insisted that this must be done; and Charles waited in very bad humour for the foolish formality. It really seemed as if, after all, when we had actually caught and arrested our man, he was going by some cunning device to escape us. After a delay of more than an hour, during which Colonel Clay fretted and fumed quite as much as we did, the attaché arrived.

In France or America alike a man accused of crime sooner or later has to tell what he knows or take his medicine. It makes little difference whether he does so under the legalized interrogation of a "juge d'instruction" in Paris or under the quasi-voluntary examination of an assistant district attorney or police inspector in New York.

Not longer than twenty minutes ago, it was being used to dry linen on, outside the laundry." "You don't mean to say so!" "Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction, I am being watched here, by some one in the very heart of the place, who can see me, who can hear me and who, minute by minute, observes my actions and knows my intentions." "Do you think so?" "I am sure of it.

He doubted not of putting them to rout, and meant never to hold his hand till he had chased them back to Albany. "Make all haste," Vaudreuil wrote to him; "for when you return we shall send you to Oswego to execute our first design." [Footnote 294: Mémoire pour servir d'Instruction

I am aware," he added, "that it is unusual for prisoners to seek interviews with the what shall I say juge d'instruction, as we call him, but," he added with a smile, "I think you will find that mine is an unusual affair."

A seal, or forged copy of the seal, of the Scottish African and East India Company was found on board the 'Worcester, and her captain and crew were judicially interrogated, after the manner of the French Juge d'Instruction. On March 5, 1705, the Scottish Court of Admiralty began the trial of Green and his men.