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Certainly young birds show a grand lesson of obedience, for creeping out into the world through a dark, curved pipe, must have seemed a rather perilous mode of exit. Another less fortunate Cole Tit built in a post-box placed by a garden gate, and seemed in no way disconcerted when letters came in suddenly around and upon her. She usually laid eighteen eggs in a deep, soft nest of moss and hair.

When he had gone about two hundred yards it curved sharply to the left, ran heavily timbered for some thirty yards in the new direction, and then swung round to the right again. "I suppose the railway crosses here," Willis thought, as he passed painfully round the bends.

This is that in desperate cold all the trees were pulled awry, even though the wind had scattered the snow burden from them. Of some sorts the branches bended downwards, like an archway; of other sorts the boughs curved upwards, like a red deer's frontlet. This I know no reason* for; but am ready to swear that I saw it.

The Laconicum and other sweating baths must adjoin the tepid room, and their height to the bottom of the curved dome should be equal to their width. Let an aperture be left in the middle of the dome with a bronze disc hanging from it by chains. By raising and lowering it, the temperature of the sweating bath can be regulated.

The lips readily curved to a bright smile, though they could set themselves in lines of resolute determination when occasion demanded. The golden curls clustered round the noble head in classic fashion, but were not suffered to grow long enough to reach the shoulders, as in childhood's day; and the active, graceful, well-knit figure gave indication of great strength as well as of great agility.

An eagle was flying above it with a mighty spread of wings that seemed almost double-jointed in the middle they curved and flapped so wide and free. The fierce head was outstretched with the rake of a plundering galley as he swept down the wind, seeking his meat from God, and passed majestic from our sight.

Squeezing himself silently down the parasite for he had come from above the reptile slowly uncoiled two or three of the lowermost rings, and stretched his glistening neck horizontally over the hammock. In this position he remained for some moments, perfectly motionless, his neck proudly curved like that of a swan, while his head was not twelve inches from the face of the sleeper.

In some way the long curved wings on her feet had tripped her and she had pitched head foremost into a deep snow-bank. Nancy, who saw her disappear, halloed to the boys as she sped to the place where Judith was buried, and they appeared with magical swiftness. They pulled Judith out not without difficulty and wiped the snow off her face. "Are you hurt?" said Jack anxiously.

Still the dainty, curved shoulders trembled and were quiet and trembled again. The man's hand dropped to the coverlet beside him. His face went very close. "Cousin Bess," he repeated for the last time tensely, "I can't let you cry so. I won't. I care for you too much, little girl; infinitely too much. It hurts me to have you feel so terribly, hurts me more than I can tell."

She had not stayed; and ill had befallen. A bitter smile curved Jenny's lips. "I suppose they'd say it was a punishment," she whispered. "They'd like to think it was." After that she stayed a long time silent, swaying gently while her candle flickered, her head full of a kind of formless musing.