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Maggie had begun to stand for him as a kind of embodiment of a view of life which was sane, wholesome, and curiously attractive; there was a largeness about her, a strength, a sense of fresh air that was delightful. It was that kind of thing, he thought, that had attracted him to her during this past summer.

So he came down courteously, and spoke with the master of the boat, who asked him very curiously of his life and all that he did. David told him all; and when the master asked him why he had thus fled away from the world, David said simply that he had done so that he might pray to God in peace.

"Portia," says Sir Christopher, suddenly when Stephen Gower has expressed his extreme pleasure at the thought of lunching at the Court, always with his dark eyes fixed curiously upon Dulce "Come with me; I want to show you your poor mother's last resting-place." "Ah! yes; I shall like to see that," says Portia, tenderly, though the dead mother is only a bare memory to her.

"Did you ever see th' like o' that?" His companions remained curiously silent. "Gully!" he continued, with vibrating voice, "whoever'd a-thought that that drawlin' English dude could shoot like that? . . . Fred Storey should have been here. . . ." Still getting no response to his remarks he glanced up wonderingly.

The two men paused, looking at him questioningly. "I wouldn't go in there," Rathburn repeated. "Come here an' take a look." One of the men stepped to his side and peered curiously through the window. "Bill!" he whispered excitedly. "Look here. It's a holdup!" The other man looked over his shoulder. He swore softly. "I'll bet it's The Coyote!" said the first man in an awed voice.

In February another track appears upon the snow, slender and delicate, about a third larger than that of the gray squirrel, indicating no haste or speed, but, on the contrary, denoting the most imperturbable ease and leisure, the footprints so close together that the trail appears like a chain of curiously carved links.

He tried again an hour later. He calculated on not being interrupted this time. Smith had gone off to the steamer. From time to time he had to go to the steamer to act as interpreter there. Captain Wilson seemed curiously incapable of making himself understood by the islanders. "That you again, Mr. Phillips," said Donovan. "Sit down. Take a cigar and sit down."

You and Miss Sylla could not surely have already arranged the successful coup of this afternoon?" Pansey Cottrell listened somewhat curiously for Lionel's reply.

But the General's mask was impenetrable, and at the end of his reading he turned back to read and re-read many pages, holding the book to the light, and seeming to examine the contents very curiously. "Well?" said the Judge at last, when he met the General's eye. "Do you lay great store by this evidence?" asked the General in a calm, dispassionate voice. "Is it not natural that we should?

He said it to Herbert Livingstone instead; the priest had disappeared. The outgoers looked at Arnold curiously as he made his way among them in a direction which was not that of the exit. He went with hurried purpose, in the face of them all, toward the region, badly lighted and imperfectly closed, which led to the rear of the stage.