United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The cruller were all done at last; the great bread-trough was filled and set away; the remnant of the fat was carefully disposed of, and aunt Miriam's handmaid was called in to "take the watch." She herself and her visitor adjourned to the sitting-room. "Well," said Fleda, in a tone again steady and clear, "I must go home to see about getting up a dinner.

A flock of mixed fowls were clucking and pecking over the bare ground under the willows. Martie held the empty tin pan in one hand, in the other was a half-eaten cruller. Sally had turned her serge skirt up over her shoulders as a protection against the cool air, exposing a shabby little "balmoral." "Oh, Lyd, you're an angel!" Martie said, holding the cruller against Lydia's mouth.

There was the doughty doughnut, the tender oly koek, and the crisp and crumbling cruller; sweet cakes and short cakes, ginger cakes and honey cakes, and the whole family of cakes.

Scramble ashore as fast as you can, for Aunt Cynthia is crazy lest her fried chicken 'frazzle ter a cinder," she cried as she greeted her guests. "Who said fried chicken?" cried Happy. "That last cruller you warned me against eating never fazed me a bit, Little Mother," asserted Wheedles, as he assisted Mrs. Harold up the stone steps leading from the dock.

From time to time these admonished their offspring. "Hypatia Smith, you're draggin' your pink sash, leave Mommer fix it. There now, don't you dare to set down so Grammer can see you lookin' good." "Lionel Jones, you throw that old pop-corn overboard. Do you want to eat it after you've had it on the floor?" "Does your stomach hurt you, dear? Well, here don't cry Mommer'll give you another cruller."

We'll have to drop Mr. Steam a line. How about a cruller, Mr. Trimmer? They were just stolen from our small friend's kitchen. Don't care for stolen fruit, hey? You're too particular, Mr. Trimmer." Seldom has there been a surrender so complete and unconditional. "Do you think he had some treasure in the scow?" Pee-wee asked. "Maybe if we dig we'll find some gold nuggets."

He led her to one of the broad-armed chairs and fetched her dainties a triangle of apple pie, a circle of cruller, and a cylinder of milk. She leaned across the arm of the chair and told him of her mishaps. He was so enraged that he knocked a plate to the floor. She snatched the cruller off just in time to save it, and the room echoed her laughter.

"We'll admit the land is yours " "No, we won't!" said Pee-wee. "Yes, we will," said Townsend quietly. "Now what do you want to do about this property? Shall we wrap it up for you or shall we send it? Our dealings are with the steam dredge people. Now what do you say? By the way, will you have a cruller?"

"Yes uncle Rolf has let the farm only think of it! he has let the farm to that Didenhover." "Didenhover!" "For two years." "Did you tell him what you knew about him?" "Yes, but it was too late the mischief was done." Aunt Miriam went on skimming out her cruller with a very grave face. "How came your uncle to do so without learning about him first?"

The difference between the Eastern baked bean and the Western is all the difference between a tin can and a religious rite and it is the same with succotash. A cruller is only a fried doughnut when it gets out West. Tea is more subtle in the East, but out here the waitress will ask "Black or green" in a black or white tone and stands over you until you decide.