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I could not lern. I killed a Duck that with the Crain afforded us a good Supper. the Indians continued all night at our fires This day we made 36 miles.

"Yes," he answered the girl's frank stare of amazement, "I can write shorthand of a sort, and pretty fast, at that, though no other human being, I am afraid, could read it but myself.... As for you folks," he addressed the uneasy, silent group of men and women in dead Nita's living room, "I shall ask you not to interrupt Miss Crain unless you are very sure that her memory is at fault."

A quick tour convinced him that nothing human was concealed behind one of Nita Selim's empty wardrobe trunks, or behind one of the several pieces of heavy old furniture, undoubtedly left behind by the dispossessed Crain family.

At three o'clock that Sunday afternoon Bonnie Dundee, fatigued after a strenuous day, and suffering, to his own somewhat disgusted amusement, from reaction even a detective feels some shock at having narrowly escaped death permitted himself the luxury of a call upon Penny Crain. He found the girl and her mother playing anagrams. After greeting him, Mrs.

"Them black moiré pumps and them French stockings are brand new, too hundred-gauge silk them stockings are, and never on her feet " "Ready for me?" Carraway had appeared in the doorway, with camera and tripod. "Yes, Carraway.... Just the dress, Penny.... I want full-length front, back and side views of Miss Crain wearing this dress, Carraway.... Flashlights, of course.

The blue crested Corvus and the small white breasted do have been previously discribed and are the natives of a piney country invariably, being found as well on the rocky mountains as on this coast. the lark is found in the plains only and are the same with those before mentioned on the Missouri, and not very unlike what is called in Virginia the old field lark. The large bluefish brown or sandhill Crain are found in the valley of the Rocky mountains in Summer and Autumn where they raise their young, and in the winter and begining of spring on this river below tidewater and on this coast. they are the same as those common to the Southern and Western States where they are most generally known by the name of the Sandhill crain.

Penelope Crain was about to begin for the second time, when again Dundee interrupted. "Another half second, please." On the first sheet of the new shorthand notebook Dundee scribbled: "Suggest you try to locate Ralph Hammond immediately. Very much in love with Mrs. Selim. Invited to cocktail party; did not show up."

Willard returned from the Village. Sergt. Ordway and Goodrich Continued all night. one of the men brought me a young Sandhill Crain which was about 5 or 6 days old it was of a yellowish brown Colour, about the Size of a partridge. Those Crains are very abundant in every part of this country in pars of two, and Sometimes three together.

I remember that Tracey stepped away from the body, and called you, and you weren't here. And then almost the next minute I saw you coming toward him from from over there!" And Penny pointed toward that corner of the room which held, on one angle, the door leading to the porch, and on its other angle the window from which, or from near which Nita Selim had been shot. "You're lying, Penny Crain!

"Yes, sir, but I 'tended to her hot water and her garbage, too twice a day it was I had to go and stoke the little laundry heater that heats the hot water tank in summertime when the steam furnace ain't being used. I live about a mile beyant the Crain place, that is, the house the poor lady was killed in " "Did you come to stoke the laundry heater Saturday evening?" Dundee interrupted.