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Prior to his having been addressed, the boy who had given his name as Bob Chester had noticed the difference between the three men as they stood in earnest conversation on the sidewalk, and instinctively he had been attracted by the frankness of the countryman's face.

There has been a ghastly mistake." But Stephen, with a countryman's persistency, continued on his own line. He meant to be civil, but Rickie went cold round the mouth. For he had not even been angry with them. Until he was drunk, they had been dirty people not his sort. Then the trivial injury recurred, and he had reeled to smash them as he passed.

It is rather a remarkable fact that, up to the present moment, no Englishman has been found who was sufficiently weary of his life to imitate his countryman's attempt. Stunted fragments of drift-wood, most probably driven to shore by tempests, lay scattered every where around.

But you must change your coat. The gallant Eighty-eighth will never mistake their countryman's voice. But your uniform would be devilish likely to get you a bayonet through it; so come back with me, and we'll make you a Ranger in no time." "I can give your friend a cap." "And I," said the other, "a brandy flask, which, after all, is not the worst part of a storming equipage."

You had better throw your arms about your countryman's neck and beg him to pay the price for you." Betty shook her head violently, so violently that the white flower fell from her hair. Rios was going on angrily, when there came into the yard a clatter of hoofs. "It is Zoraida," he said sharply. "Now be quick; is it yes or no!" "No!" cried Betty. "Little fool!" muttered Rios.

In these profuse strains of unpremeditated art, apparently the merest of rambling commonplace, he had plainly conveyed to his henchmen that, though foiled by the countryman's straightforward single-mindedness, they were not to adopt a policy of scuttle, but persevere in the paths of manifest destiny to benevolent assimilation; at the same time adroitly extricating his embarrassed lieutenant from a very present predicament.

He thought of London, in fact, as a countryman might, with all a countryman's sense of its mystery and romance, intensified in him by the daily sight of its domes and spires.

However, I suppose it's foolish to tell such things. It is pleasant to be foolish at the right time, said the divinity-student; saying it, however, in one of the dead languages, which I think are unpopular for summer-reading, and therefore do not bear quotation as such. Well, now, said I, suppose a good, clean, wholesome-looking countryman's cart stops opposite my door.

To the countryman's astonishment the paper slipped from my listless fingers, and once more my gaze turned to the carriage window. On we tore through the snow that raced horizontally by the pane, through the white and peaceful country homeward. Homeward to welcome whom? Whom but the man now sitting, it might be, within a foot of me?

Phelim O'Mooney's heart beat for the Irish champion Bourke; but he kept a guard upon his tongue, and had even the forbearance not to bet upon his countryman's head.