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Colonel Colquhoun was scrupulous in matters of etiquette, and Evadne's love of order and exactitude made her punctilious too, so that there was one subject which they agreed upon perfectly, and it very soon came to be said of them that they always did the right thing.

The war had tended to increase the number of loose and desperate marauders who swarmed in the vast labyrinth of London streets. Colquhoun, though a patriotic Briton, has to admit that the French despots had at last created an efficient police. The emperor, Joseph II., he says, inquired for an Austrian criminal supposed to have escaped to Paris.

It's just like a photograph." Evadne found that Colonel Colquhoun had secured a good house for her, and had bestowed much care upon the arrangement of it. It was the kind of occupation in which he delighted, and he did it well.

In the loves of Hester Murgatroyd and Durnford in The Head Station, of Mrs. Lomax and Leopold D'Acosta in The Bond of Wedlock, and of Mrs. Borlase and Esmé Colquhoun in Affinities, it is the woman who directly, or by implication, insists upon respect of the marriage tie so long as it remains a legal obligation. But it should be made clear that Mrs.

When I saw her note on the breakfast table next day, I knew that somehow it would prove to be of more importance than the whole of my other letters put together, and I therefore hastened to open it first. "VILLA MIGNONNE, 15th March, 1880. "Colonel Colquhoun, late of the Colqohoun Highlanders, has been appointed to command the depot at Morningquest, I hear.

"I read it before I went downstairs, and at first I could not think what to do, so we drove off together, but on the way to the station it suddenly flashed upon me that the proper thing to do would be to go at once and hear all that there was to tell, and fortunately Major Colquhoun gave me an opportunity of getting away without any dispute.

"Do not trouble yourself, doctor," she remonstrated gently. "What does it matter?" I went out into the sitting room to meet the maid as she entered. "Why haven't these fires been lighted?" I asked again. "I don't know, sir," she answered. "I received no orders about them." "Where is Colonel Colquhoun?" "He went out after breakfast, sir, and has not come back yet." "Has the nurse arrived?"

"Now, there's Diavolo," Colonel Colquhoun continued the exchange I had suggested had been effected by this time, and Diavolo was quartered at the depot not exactly to Colonel Colquhoun's delight, perhaps, but he was very good about it. "Now, there's Diavolo. He tells me to my face that he was the first to propose to Mrs. Colquhoun, and always meant to marry her, and means it still.

"I thought he was going to prevent my interests from being too well represented," said Elizabeth, half-smiling. "I want him to make Mr. Luttrell understand that I have no desire to keep the property at all." "There is one drawback," said Mr. Colquhoun, "and one that I don't see how Mr. Heron will get over. He has never seen Brian, has he? How will he recognise him?

In some comments on China's prospective commercial development Mr. Colquhoun, the latest first-hand observer, sets forth some statistics which are of interest not only to Englishmen but to Americans.