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And as we are prevented from going down there, we are forced to refuse food and drink to the travelers who come to the house; so that our hostelry is daily going to ruin. If your friend remains another week in my cellar I shall be a ruined man." "And not more than justice, either, you ass! Could you not perceive by our appearance that we were people of quality, and not coiners say?"

Watched and hunted like gangs of coiners, forgers, or other felons attempting to flee from justice, set upon by troopers armed with "bills and guns and other weapons," seized when about to embark, pillaged and stripped by catchpoles, exhibited as a show to grinning country folk, the women and children dealt with like drunken tramps, led before magistrates, committed to jail; Mr.

I'll say that for you; you have hit it. There is a gang of expert coiners who are putting out real silver money, and making a clear shilling on the half-crown. We can find no trace of the coiners, but we know the man who is shoving the stuff. 'That ought to be sufficient, I suggested. 'Yes, it should, but it hasn't proved so up to date.

'Enough to go on with? We have nothing more than we had when I called on you last night. 'Last night, my dear Hale, you supposed this man was in league with coiners. Today you know he is not. 'I know you say he is not. I shrugged my shoulders, and raised my eyebrows, smiling at him. 'It is the same thing, Monsieur Hale. 'Well, of all the conceited and the good Hale could get no further.

But there had long lurked in the garrets of London a class of printers who worked steadily at their calling with precautions resembling those employed by coiners and forgers. Women were on the watch to give the alarm by their screams if an officer appeared near the workshop.

But Monsieur Favart was sworn to trace the coiners, and he had never failed yet in any enterprise he undertook. One day he presented himself to his chief with a countenance so elated that that penetrating functionary said to him at once "You have heard of our messieurs!" "I have: I am to visit them to-night." "Bravo! How many men will you take?" "From twelve to twenty to leave without on guard.

"There's a connection between the two," said Jennings, obstinately; "it's impossible to say how the connection comes about, but I feel that a discovery in one case entails a discovery in the other. If I can prove that Miss Loach was killed by one of the old coiners " "What will happen then?" "I may stumble on the factory that is in existence now."

"Are you poor?" "As a church mouse! The only thing belonging to a church, since the Bourbons came back, that is poor!" At this sally, the coiners, who had gathered round the table, uttered the shout with which, in all circumstances, Frenchmen receive a bon mot. "Humph!" said Gawtrey. "Who responds with his own life for your fidelity?" "I," said Birnie. "Administer the oath to him."

On this elevated walk stood the offices of a celebrated character, "Old" for I never heard him called by any other name "Old Spurrier," the hard, unbending, crafty lawyer, who, being permanently retained by the Mint to prosecute all coiners in the district, had a busy time of it, and gained for himself a large fortune and an evil reputation.

"Otherwise I should have preferred starving to coming here," answered the laconic neophyte. "I have done with you. Your health!" On this the coiners gathered round Monsieur Giraumont, shook him by the hand, and commenced many questions with a view to ascertain his skill. "Show me your coinage first; I see you use both the die and the furnace.