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From this tackle-block at the top of the structure, the cable passed down to another smaller pulley which was fastened at the base of the apparatus. Through this pulley, the cable passed to the cylinder of a windlass which was held to the ground by massive beams. This windlass which can be operated by only two hands, multiplies man's strength by means of a series of cog-wheels.

"The pleasure," he said, "was in the teaching, in making the thought clear, in tempting the boys to find out what they knew all the time; and the oftener I taught a subject the better I liked it; it was like a big cog-wheel, with a number of little cog-wheels turning with it.

Death had ravaged one's circle of friends. Mrs. Milnes Gaskell and her sister Miss Charlotte Wynn were both dead, and Mr. James Milnes Gaskell was no longer in Parliament. That field of education seemed closed too. One found one's self in a singular frame of mind more eighteenth-century than ever almost rococo and unable to catch anywhere the cog-wheels of evolution. Experience ceased to educate.

"You see," said the Captain, "I use Bunsen's contrivances, not Ruhmkorff's. Those would not have been powerful enough. Bunsen's are fewer in number, but strong and large, which experience proves to be the best. The electricity produced passes forward, where it works, by electro-magnets of great size, on a system of levers and cog-wheels that transmit the movement to the axle of the screw.

With a harsh, grating noise it fell back beneath the weight he threw upon it, and the harsh jarring of cog-wheels revolving sounded for a few moments beneath our feet. Then, as he set the mechanism in motion, my gaze was fixed upon the lake and I stood aghast in wonderment.

The clanking of the cog-wheels made his steps inaudible to the man who was manipulating the machinery in the hut as he entered and shot him dead. It was rather sickening, for the fellow pitched forward into the machinery and one arm became entangled there. But McKay, white of cheek and lip and fighting off a deathly nausea, checked the machinery and kicked the carrion clear.

And David explained it to her, forgetting all about his unhappiness in the pleasure of showing the little cog-wheels, and the under-shot wheel that drove it. "And why did you want to break it up?" she asked. "Because, mother, Sam Peters said that I should never be good for anything but to make flutter-wheels, and it is true, I am afraid."

And just then her eye lit tin the spectacle-case, behind a leg of the table. The old man rummaged and searched among the cog-wheels and springs in his bundle. "I don't see but I'll have to get down on the floor myself, and hunt," he said presently. "Get up, crofter-brat!" Quick as a flash the little girl's hand shot out and closed over the spectacle-case, which she hid under her apron.

He enjoyed himself by time-table, went deer-stalking with meticulous gusto, and made puns at lunch it was the right thing to do. The mechanism worked with astonishing efficiency, but it never rested and it was never oiled. In dry exactitude the innumerable cog-wheels perpetually revolved. No, whatever happened, the Prince would not relax; he had absorbed the doctrines of Stockmar too thoroughly.

Chorus With a whip, snip, high cum diddledy, The cog-wheels of life have need of much oiling; Smack, crack, this is our jubilee: Huzza, my lads! we'll keep the pot boiling. Jansen and Jemmy Ducks, after the dancing chorus had finished Yack alive and merry my boys, Ven he get him frau And he vid her ringlet toys, As he take her paw.