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"Yell be a bra' fallow, an ye be spared, Patie, but ye'll never never can be what he was to me! He has sailed the coble wi' me since he was ten years auld, and there wasna the like o' him drew a net betwixt this and Buchan-ness. They say folks maun submit I will try." And he had been silent from that moment until compelled to answer the necessary questions we have already noticed.

"As sune as the keel o' the coble touches the sand, deil a bit mair will the lazy fisher loons work, but the wives maun kilt their coats, and wade into the surf to tak the fish ashore. And then the man casts aff the wat and puts on the dry, and sits down wi' his pipe and his gill-stoup ahint the ingle, like ony auld houdie, and neer a turn will he do till the coble's afloat again!

The corporal put his hand up to the salute, and Vanslyperken shook his head with a diabolical expression of countenance. "Now, where the devil could he come from?" whispered Spurey. Coble shrugged up his shoulders, and Short gave a long whistle, expending more breath than usual.

To "get away Norrad" is the right of men; and he feels himself manly as he sits amidships while the coble skims out into the bay. He is usually sent to the trouting first; and then all night long he glides about on the dark bay and hears the sounds from the moor and the woods. It falls cold toward the dawn, and the boy grows hard and strong through his nightly ordeal.

"That's all!" exclaimed one. "All!" cried another. "The devil!" said a third. "I said as how it would be," said Obadiah Coble "that dog is no dog, as sure as I sit here." The return of the dog certainly had a strong effect upon the whole of the ship's company.

"If the dog ain't killed, Bones will be, that's sartain," observed Coble: "and I don't see why the preference should be given to a human individual, although the dog is the skipper's dog now then, what d'ye say, my lads?" Tum tum, tum tum, tumty tumty tum, replied the fiddle. "Let's hang him at once." "No," replied Short.

Lord love you!! "Well, that's a good song, Jemmy, and he can't pull you up for that, any how." Mr Vanslyperken appeared to think otherwise, for he sent a marine forward to say, that no singing would be permitted in future, and that they were immediately to desist. "I suppose we shall have a song considered as mutiny soon," observed Coble. "Ah, well, it's a long lane that has no turning."

During the 18th, all the provisions were received on shore, except sixteen casks of flour; but the surf increasing very much in the evening, I made a signal for the Supply to hoist the coble in.

"They are coming to attack us, sir," said Coble, who had been left in charge of the cutter when Mr Vanslyperken went on shore. Mr Vanslyperken turned pale as a sheet; his eyes were fixed upon the form of Ramsay, standing up on the stern-sheets of the first boat, with his sabre raised in the air he immediately recognised him, panted for breath, and could make no reply.

If we could only have got a coble out it would have been all right, but there's nobody to pull except a few daft wives and old Adam." "What are you going to do?" "I'll swim off, and you women folk can haul me in with the lass. After that I'll maybe try for him."