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What she saw fitted itself to nothing real; it was more like a scene clipped from a play. Two masked men were covering with revolvers a third, who was tied helpless in a chair. The captive's face was ghastly and blood-stained, and at first she thought he was dead. Then she saw his lips move in curious twitchings that showed his teeth.

At that word Birdalone threw herself on the wood-wife and clipped and kissed her, and thanked her for the helping with all the dearest words she might. But the wood-mother laughed for joy, and stroked her cheeks and said: Now I deem thee my daughter again, whereas thou thankest me with such sweet passion for doing to thee as a kind mother needs must without any thought thereof.

I look upon all legalized cohabitation as utterly stupid, for I am certain that nine husbands out of ten are cuckolds; and they get no more than their deserts for having been idiotic enough to fetter their lives, and renounce their freedom in love, the only happy and good thing in the world, and for having clipped the wings of fancy, which continually drives us on towards all women, &c., &c., &c.

He soars into the heavens, and then, as if his wings were suddenly clipped, he walks ungracefully and with difficulty upon the earth. The greatest things in the world, and the least things in man, are brought within the compass of a short treatise.

Not to marry him, oh, no! so free a bird could not have his wings clipped! And why will I not see the force of this? She stopped, for Angela sprang towards her exclaiming, "Sylvie! Do you mean to tell me that the Marquis Fontenelle is such a villain? "Tais-toi!

"Ay, and if it were not for such jokes now and then, the Czar would be odious beyond measure; but dwarf pies and mock processions make his subjects almost forgive him for having shortened their clothes and clipped their beards." "The Czar is very fond of those mock processions?" "Fond!" and the little man sank his voice into a whisper; "he is the sublimest buffoon that ever existed.

In front of the beautiful arcade, which is terribly bruised and obliterated, is one of those walks of inter- laced tilleuls which are so frequent in Touraine, and into which the green light filters so softly through a lattice of clipped twigs.

He was an Englishman all right a cut below middle class; you could tell that by the way he clipped his initial h's off and on. I tried the ice at first it's always best when you don't know the exact thickness of your frozen water. The way I tried it was to toss a flower or two at Maisie Hartopp and her "Jo-Jo" song.

"Yes," answered Phoebe, instantly on the defensive, "he is just exactly that, Caroline Darrah Brown and he doesn't seem to be able to get over it. I'm afraid it's chronic with him." "He's young yet," Mrs. Buchanan remarked as she clipped a thread with her bright scissors. "No," said Phoebe slowly, "he is six years older than I am and that makes him thirty-two.

Indeed, he could hardly forgive himself the fondness he had known, and came to regard Suzette as a tolerably bad person, who had bewitched him. He burned all her letters, and a little lock of hair he had clipped while she was asleep once, and blotted the whole experience out of his diary. The next Sunday he went to hear the Rev. Mr. Hall preach, and felt quite consoled.