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He was battling with the body, changing his model every week, so despondent at being unable to satisfy himself that for a couple of days he had been trying to improve the figure from imagination, without recourse to nature, although he boasted that he never invented. Christine at once recognised herself.

I was no less pleased with this favourable state of things than with the facility with which Christine was learning the Venetian dialect. When M. Dandolo and I called at their house, Charles was not at home; Christine was alone with his two relatives.

He caught her hand when she would have moved away. "I'm sorry. You might be a pal to a chap, Gladys. I well, I'm at my wits' end to know what to do. With Horatio coming home " Her eyes grew scornful. "Oh, so that's why you've come here!" "It is and it isn't. I wanted to see Christine. You won't believe me, I know, but I've been worried to death about her ever since she left me.

"I could see," said Mela, as she and Christine drove home together, "that she was as jealous as she could be, all the time you was talkun' to Mr. Beaton. She pretended to be talkun' to Conrad, but she kep' her eye on you pretty close, I can tell you. I bet she just got us there to see how him and you would act together. And I reckon she was satisfied. He's dead gone on you, Chris."

"You are childish," said the Lord of Basville, "but where does the Lady of Castelnau remain, you must know that she has disappeared. In all these circumstances we see, say what you will, a concerted plot." "Ah poor Christine!" sighed Vila plaintively; "I now know for the first time, how much I have loved the noble girl.

Her father reluctantly gave the order, but added, "Christine, you certainly indulge in strange moods and whims of late." She was silent a moment, and then she began a running fire of questions about the Academy, that left no space for explanations.

The most friendly welcome was proffered to us, and in the course of conversation the aunt praised the progress made by Christine in her writing very highly, and asked her to let me see her copy-book. I followed her to the next room, where she told me that she was very happy; that every day she discovered new virtues in her husband.

The problem of getting it back again at some future time was more complicated, but even that he thought he could accomplish. He had made one fortune and he supposed he could some day make another. The practical question was: What sum would make him impossible to Christine as a husband? Twenty thousand a year would be out of the question.

She looked significantly across the room to the place where Christine was now talking with Beaton; and the student of human nature asked, Was she here? and, Would she introduce him? Mela said she would, the first chance she got; and she added, They would be much pleased to have him call.

He adds regretfully to Christine: "I cannot send you a muff this year but perhaps I may do so next year." Jack was to follow a military career, and he entered the army when a youth of sixteen or seventeen.