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Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

And he admitted to himself that he didn't mind all that much; it would be pretty exciting, being His Majesty's guest aboard one of the tremendous Imperial Battle Cruisers. He'd have to get something to prove it, though, or the kids at school would be certain he was making it up. "Uh . . . he will be all right, won't he?" Chiun gestured toward the lifepod, now being loaded aboard the lander.

Sikkuth and Chiun are the Babylonian Sakkut and Kaivan, a name given to the planet Saturn. Sakkut was a title of the god Nin-ip, and we gather from Amos that it also represented Malik "the king." Zelem, "the image," was another Babylonian deity, and originally denoted "the image" or disk of the sun.

"My pleasure," Dave replied, wanting to be polite though he wasn't quite sure which statement he was responding to. Then curiosity took over. "How did you know me? And why're you here now instead of tomorrow?" "Two questions, one answer." Chiun frowned. "One of the rebels reported the torture and rescue to us, through the local IntelDiv office.

The reader may have heard of the horrid god at Juggernaut, who is drawn on a wheeled carriage, as described in such dreadful terms by Dr Buchanan, in the account of his travels and researches in India. The Israelites, it is very probable from a passage in the prophet Amos, v. 26, copied the example of some of their idolatrous neighbours, in bearing a temple of Moloch and Chiun.

The exchange of fire continued for several minutes, with the only result Dave could notice being that the cave was getting uncomfortably hot. Then he heard yelling, and the incoming fire stopped abruptly. Moments later, an amplified voice called out. "You in the cave this is Captain Heidi Chiun, Imperial Marines. Come out with your hands up." Dave started to obey, then hesitated.

The next tablet to which the visitor's attention should be directed, is one crowded with symbolic animals and deities . It is that of a functionary named Kaha, who is adoring Chiun, standing on a lion, and grasping snakes, with Horus and other deities.

The effect was the same, but it was nicer than being put under arrest. Even if he'd rather be going home . . . "I accept the invitation, of course. Can I call my folks and let them know?" "As soon as we get to the ship," Chiun promised. "Ranger Tarlac will be taken up first, then we'll ride up with the prisoners." "Okay." Not that he had any choice, Dave thought.

At Tyre the god was termed Melech-kirjath, or "king of the city," which was contracted into Melkarth, and in the mouths of the Greeks became Makar. We there read: "Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? Yet ye have borne Sikkuth your Malik and Chiun your Zelem, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves."

That was too bad but right now, at least, he couldn't seem to feel much except mild regret. His own problems were more immediately interesting. He hadn't expected protective custody, although when Chiun mentioned it he realized he should have; it was common enough on the news as well as in holoshows. He'd never heard of it being phrased as an invitation from the Emperor before, though!