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But the other 'Melican man did not wake up, and Bill Crane got away with his booty, as we already know. Cautiously the Chinaman followed him, and ascertained where he intended to pass the night. It was at a moderate distance from the cabin which the two Chinamen had selected for their mining camp. Bill Crane jumped from his horse, stretched his limbs, and gaped.

Among other things, they saw a Chinaman smoking opium and this gave rise to a desire on her part to experience the sensation for herself. The guide was prevailed upon, for a consideration, to procure her an outfit and a supply of opium; and that very night in her room she took a try at an opium dream. Why not?

The head Chinaman produced various curios so considered for inspection, these being sent for from the pawn-shops close by. The Wodena volunteered the information that large quantities of opium were consumed in the district. This meant, as there were no Chinese, the habitual use of this drug amongst the people. After this walk the little procession wended its way back to the Wodena's house.

There is nothing particularly beautiful about a silver half-dollar, but in the almond-shaped eyes of the Chinaman scenes of paradisiacal loveliness are nothing compared to the dull surface of a twenty-year-old fifty-cent piece; and the jingle of the silver coins contains more melody for Chin Chin's unromantic ear than a whole musical festival.

"Since the new Chinaman has been cooking for them," said Brock, "they have been peaceful as a man could wish." "They'll approve of me, then," Drake answered. "I'm feeding 'em hyas Christmas muck-a-muck." "And what may that be?" asked the schoolmaster. "You no kumtux Chinook?" inquired Drake. "Travel with me and you'll learn all sorts of languages. It means just a big feed.

Again a voice whispered, and a low sound of discreet knocking followed. Joicey sprang up and called out hoarsely: "Who is it?" "Sahib, Sahib" the Durwan's whine was apologetic. "Is the Sahib awake?" "Who wants me?" "Leh Shin, the Chinaman." Joicey wiped his face with his handkerchief and pulled open the door with a violent movement. "Come in," he said, trying to speak naturally.

Without a word Mirandolet drew that sheet aside, and motioning his companion to draw nearer, pointed to a skull-cap of thin blue silk which fitted over the Chinaman's head. "You see that!" he whispered. "You know what's beneath it! something that no true Chinaman ever parts with, even if he does come to Europe, and does wear English dress and English headgear his pigtail! Look here!"

There is a story by a great and gentle writer telling how a Chinaman first discovered the beauties of roast pig. It is an admirable tale and it is well that it was written, but the cave man, many tens of thousands of years before there was a China, yielded to the allurements of young pig, and sought him accordingly.

I was about to speak when Fletcher nipped my arm and out from the shadows behind the packing-case a little bent figure arose! I started violently, for I had had no idea that another was in the room. The apparition proved to be a Chinaman, and judging from what I could see of him, a very old Chinaman, his bent figure attired in a blue smock.

Then, when the last gleam of colour has faded, to find the Chinaman lighting the lamps in the verandah, and little dusky faces peeping out, to know if you will sing with them "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," or the hymn about the "Purple-headed mountain and river running by," which must have surely been written for Sarawak children.