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When he reached the edge of the Green Forest he decided to run over to the weedy field to see if the Snowflakes and the Tree Sparrows and the Horned Larks were there. They were, but almost at once Peter discovered that they had company. Twittering cheerfully as he busily picked seeds out of the top of a weed which stood above the snow, was a bird very little bigger than Chicoree the Goldfinch.

There isn't anybody else my size with a rose-red coat like mine. If you can't remember my song, which you ought to, because there is no other song quite like it, you can always tell me by the color of my coat. Hello! Here comes Cousin Chicoree. Did you ever see a happier fellow than he is?

Now to give good taste, you vary every month of the year, according to the herbs and roots that are in season. In Spring and Summer you use Cersevil, Oseille, Borage, Bugloss, Pourpier, Lettice, Chicoree and Cowcombers quartered, etc.

If Peter had known anything about Canaries, which of course he didn't, because Canaries are always kept in cages, he would have understood why Chicoree the Goldfinch is often called the Wild Canary. Mrs. Goldfinch now joined her handsome mate and it was plain to see that she admired him quite as much as did Peter. Her wings and tail were much like his but were more brownish than black.

"It's beautiful," cried Peter. "I wouldn't know you for the same bird I see so often in the late fall and sometimes in the winter. I don't know of anybody who makes a more complete change. That black cap certainly is very smart and becoming." Chicoree cocked his head on one side, the better to show off that black cap. The rest of his head and his whole body were bright yellow.

"Isn't it true that you haven't even begun thinking about a nest?" demanded Linnet. Chicoree flew down in the grass almost under Peter's nose and began to pull apart a dandelion which had gone to seed. He snipped the seeds from the soft down to which they were attached and didn't say a word till he was quite through.

I'll venture to say that he has been having such a good time that he hasn't even yet thought of building a nest, and here half the people of the Old Orchard have grown families. I've a nest and eggs myself, but that madcap is just roaming about having a good time. Isn't that so, Chicoree?" "Isn't what so?" demanded Chicoree the Goldfinch, perching very near to where Linnet was sitting.

All the time Chicoree kept up a continual happy twittering, breaking out every few moments into song. It was clear that he was fairly bubbling over with joy. "I suppose," said Peter, "it sounds foolish of me to ask if you are a member of the same family as Linnet." "Very foolish, Peter. Very foolish," laughed Chicoree. "Isn't my name Goldfinch, and isn't his name Purple Finch?

fr. s. Riz de veau pique, a l'oseille ou a la chicoree 2 0 Riz de veau a la poulette 2 0 Fricandeau aux petits pois 1 5 Fricandeau a la chicoree 1 4 Fricandeau a la ravigotte 1 4 Fricandeau a l'oseille 1 4 Fricandeau a l'Espagnole 1 4 Cotelette de veau au jambon 1 4 Cotelette de veau aux petits pois 1 10 Cotelette de veau en papillotte 1 5 Cotelette de veau panee, sauce piquante 1 0 Cotelette de veau, sauce tomate 1 5 Blanquette de veau 1 0 Oreille de veau a la ravigotte 1 4 Oreille de veau farcie, frite 1 4 Oreille de veau frite ou en marinade 1 4 Cervelle de veau en matelote 1 4 Cervelle de veau a la puree 1 4 Tendons de veau panes, grilles, sauce piquante 1 4 Tendons de veau a la poulette 1 4 Tendons de veauen macedoine 1 5 Tendons de veau aux petits pois 1 5

"I'd know them just by that, even if Chicoree didn't keep calling his own name," thought Peter. "It's funny how they often stay around all winter yet are among the last of all the birds to set up housekeeping. As I once said to Jenny Wren, birds certainly are funny creatures." "Tut, tut, tut, tut, tut! It's no such thing, Peter Rabbit.