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Yet they would have given it all yes, even the gold in their dirigible balloon for a chance for freedom. "I wonder what became of the chaps who used to live here?" mused Ned as he finished the rather frugal meal. "Oh, they probably died from a plague maybe, or there may have been a war, or the people may have risen in revolt and killed them off," suggested Tom grimly.

Even his love for Lucina, and his parents and sister, seemed for a while subverted by that love for himself, to which the chance of its gratification gave rise. Vanities which he had never known within his nature, and petty emulations, rose thick, like a crop of weeds on a rich soil.

I have found, by much experience, that I was entirely wrong, and that, although by CHANCE an African elephant may be killed by the front shot, it is the exception to the rule.

Yet, although she felt that she must risk her life in order to get out of line and give him a chance, his voice still dominated her and she stiffened. One of the big pistols swept into line and belched fire and noise at her.

The marble statue makes the one position of the hero everlasting, but this is so selected that all the chance aspects and fleeting gestures of the real man appear insignificant compared with the one most expressive and most characteristic position which is chosen.

Lily, love is the only chrism that sanctifies marriage, and though at present you might consent to become Mr. Lindsay's wife, suppose that in after years you should chance to meet some other man, perhaps not so holy, so purely Christian as this noble young missionary, but a man who seized, possessed your deep deathless womanly love, and who you knew loved you in return? What then?"

"In the flesh," he responded. "This was a grand chance for you. Ah, ha! The business riled your stomach a little, but nonsense! that will soon pass off. But we must not dawdle here; someone may come in. Let us make haste." Mechanically the murderess advanced; but Marie-Anne's dead body lay between her and the door, barring the passage.

"Better get, while we have the chance," protested the engineer earnestly. "Come quick; I have a scheme," announced Jim. "We won't run yet." "No faster than molasses in January," said the engineer irritably. "Take it easy, John," said Jim soothingly, with a pat on the shoulder; "we'll come out all right, my boy."

"Just to show you I ain't willing to run a chance I will go right down to J. Blaustein and take out a ten-thousand-dollar policy, Mawruss." Morris colored slightly. "Why should we give it Blaustein all our business, Abe?" he said. "That feller must got it a thousand customers to Rudy Feinholz's one." "Whose one?" Abe asked. "Rudy Feinholz's," said Morris.

"O Dingaan," I said coolly, knowing that coolness was my only chance, "I answer you in the words of the Commandant Retief, the great chief. Do you take me for a child that I should give up my own wife to you who already have so many? Moreover, you cannot kill me because I have the word of your captain, Kambula, that I am safe with you." This reply seemed to amuse him.