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There were a number of books and small ornamental toys which had been given him a drawing slate with pencils, colored chalks, a small box of colors, some little plates which he had colored, in his own untaught style a commenced copy of the hymn, "I know that my Redeemer liveth" an unfinished letter to his grandpapa, and some torn leaves which he had found with passages of scripture upon them a copy of the "lines on the death of an only son."

He passed his life in a sort of trance, an ecstacy of self-absorption; he had fallen in love with his own conception of himself, like a metaphysical Narcissus. This idiosyncrasy was the means of defeating various conspiracies, in which Chalks, of course, was the prime mover, calculated to impose upon his credulity, and send him back to London loaded down with misinformation.

Isn't his front name William? And Chalks, speaking as it were ex cathedrâ, made very short work indeed of Monsieur Bouguereau's claims to rank as a painter. Blake listened with open-eyed wonder.

Then did Tode's skill at making figures shine forth. In the bright red chalks did he quickly produce a circle of the nine figures around his pasteboard circle. "Now what is all that for, I should like to know?" Winny asked, looking on half interestedly, half contemptuously. "I'm just going to show you.

The short-voyage passenger gets his chief physical exercise out of "horse-billiards" shovel-board. It is a good game. We play it in this ship. A quartermaster chalks off a diagram like this-on the deck. The player uses a cue that is like a broom-handle with a quarter-moon of wood fastened to the end of it.

He walked toward the ladder, droning out in a nasal whine, to a most extraordinary tune, the following words: "Come on, you tarnal Mingo, I'll make you walk your chalks; D'ye think I care, by jingo! For all yer tomahawks! I'm more of Salamander And less of mortal man: You cannot shake my dander, I'm a rale American!" At the opening he paused, and looked back at Talbot's pale face.

How I curled inwardly when he did that. 'You've mistaken the child, sais I mildly, and I held out the napkin, and jist as he went to take it, I gave him a sly poke in the bread basket, that made him bend forward and say 'eugh. 'Wake Snakes, and walk your chalks, sais I, 'will you? and down I pops on the fust empty chair.

Should I be the youngest mayoress?" "Not by chalks," said he. "Huskinson's sister was only sixteen." "But that's only playing at being mayoress!" Nellie protested. "Anyhow, I do think you might be youngest mayor. Who settles it?" "The Council, of course." "Nobody likes Councillor Barlow." "He'll be still less liked when he's wound up the Bursley Football Club."

I remember one splendid morning, all blue and silver, in the summer holidays when I reluctantly tore myself away from the task of doing nothing in particular, and put on a hat of some sort and picked up a walking-stick, and put six very bright-coloured chalks in my pocket.

The knowledge that his father never touched sweets, and that Robert professed scorn of pirate stories, had led him to hope that the recipients of his gifts would make no objection to the unobtrusive theft of them by their recent donor in the course of the next few days. For his grown-up sister Ethel he had bought a box of coloured chalks. That also might come in useful later.