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'Who travels slowly may arrive too late, said the Padre Concha, with a pessimistic shake of the head, as the carrier's cart in which he had come from Toledo drew up in the Plazuela de la Cebada at Madrid.

You may observe, that when a man that dwells far down in the country, and has some business at the term, in this or another of the king's courts, though he will wait his lawyer's time and convenience, yet he will so wait as still to inquire at the post house, or at the carrier's, or if a neighbour comes down from term, at his mouth, for letters, or any other intelligence, if possibly he may arrive to know how his cause speeds, and whether his adversary, or he, has the day.

He being gone I abroad to the carrier's, to see some things sent away to my father against Christmas, and thence to Moorfields, and there up and down to several houses to drink to look for a place 'pour rencontrer la femme de je sais quoi' against next Monday, but could meet none.

Yet that astonishing revelation, enough to make any youthful messenger forget where he himself was bound, through turning to follow with his eyes that acceptance by a carrier's cart of the verity of the fable, is nowhere mentioned, I have found since, in any guide to London, though you may learn how Cornhill got its name.

The mere sight of the Representative sufficed to evaporate Marc Antoine's anger, and with it his courage. Carrier's pallor was of a grey-green from the rage that possessed him. His black eyes smouldered like those of an animal seen in the gloom, and his tumbled black hair, fluttering about his moist brow, increased the terrific aspect of his countenance. Marc Antoine shrank and was dumb.

And it is not unworthy of remark, that the bees came in greater clusters to Grassdale than to any other part of that rich and cultivated district. A small piece of waste land, which was intersected by a brook, fringed with ozier and dwarf and fantastic pollards, afforded pasture for a few cows, and the only carrier's solitary horse.

Oh, Mother Nature, give thy children the true poetry of heart that hid itself in this poor Carrier's breast he was but a Carrier, by the way and we can bear to have them talking prose, and leading lives of prose; and bear to bless thee for their company!

To heighten the effect of what was the most dramatic part of the story the return of the wedding party to the Carrier's house, where Dot, Caleb, and his blind daughter awaited them Richard paused for a moment as if to rest his voice the room the while deathly still, the loosening of a pent-up breath now and then showing how tense was the emotion.

Oh Mother Nature, give thy children the true poetry of heart that hid itself in this poor Carrier's breast he was but a Carrier by the way and we can bear to have them talking prose, and leading lives of prose; and bear to bless thee for their company!

One evening the carrier's cart was standing in a little back street in the Borough waiting for Joshua; he had matters to settle, he told Tim, which might take him an hour or more, and he added: "Look alive, now, for it's a nasty neighbourhood to be standing about in, and there's some smallish parcels in the cart easy made off with. Don't you let your eye off 'em."