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The first term of the second year was to commence on the 1st of April, and it was understood that the ship would sail for Europe on the last day of March. The vessel needed some repairs, and all the students were allowed a furlough of twenty days to visit their homes. Several of the larger boys, including Carnes, had obtained places in the navy, and were not to return.

Twemlow shook her head sometimes, when the arrangement of her hair permitted it, and doubted whether any of the Carne Castle Carnes would have borne with such indignity. "Prosecute him, prosecute him," this good lady always said. "You ought to have been a magistrate, Joshua the first magistrate in the Bible was that and then you would have known how to do things.

Carnes, of the Odd Fellows' Library Association, San Francisco, fires this shot in his report: "Even the child knows that forbidden fruit is the sweetest on the branch. If you wish to compel a boy to read a given book, strictly forbid him even to take it from the shelves. The tabooed books will somehow be secured in spite of their withdrawal." Mr.

For men seyn there, that it is resoun, that sche make him companye in that other world, as sche did in this. De Regnis Cynocephalorum, et alijs Insulis. In alia insula faciunt suos infirmos ante mortem ab eductis in hoc magnis canibus strangulari, manducantes in conuiuio carnes pro optimo ferculo venationis.

While none thought of Shuffles in connection with the highest position, many mentioned the dignified young gentleman, who had made one voyage up the Mediterranean Richard Carnes. He had been on board a fortnight, and had won and retained the respect of all his companions.

A circuitous route was taken by Carnes, when a direct one might have been had, by which his entrance into the town was delayed until near daylight; and, by one account, the advance of Marion and Lee was not in season.

"In my opinion, we shall stay here some weeks, if not some months," added Carnes. "What for?" "To pursue our studies, in the first place, and to learn our duty as seamen, in the second." "I don't believe I shall stay here a great while longer," said Shuffles, with evident disgust. "There's no fun lying here." "You can't help yourself," added Wilton.

"He will not be elected, and you need not throw your vote away upon him, because, if you don't want a place in the after cabin, there are plenty of fellows who do," added the wire-puller, with apparent indifference. "But I do want it." "Then all you have to do, is to go for our ticket." "I think Carnes will make the best captain." "Very well; if you think so, you have a right to your own opinion.

Professor Carnes had been left the guardian of a fifteen-year-old niece, who was born into the world with a delicate constitution, an unhappy disposition and the proverbial gold spoon in her mouth as far as finances were concerned.

But because you would have to go to Sir Charles Darling whose Sir can never put him on the level of the Carnes you have some right feeling against taking out a summons. In that I agree with you; it would be very dreadful here.