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Updated: January 5, 2025
Our first business this morning must be to read and understand the writing on the book held open by St. Thomas Aquinas, for that informs us of the meaning of the whole picture. "Optavi, et datus est mihi sensus. Invocavi, et venit in me Spiritus Sapientiae, Et preposui illam regnis et sedibus." "I willed, and Sense was given me. I prayed, and the Spirit of Wisdom came upon me.
For men seyn there, that it is resoun, that sche make him companye in that other world, as sche did in this. De Regnis Cynocephalorum, et alijs Insulis. In alia insula faciunt suos infirmos ante mortem ab eductis in hoc magnis canibus strangulari, manducantes in conuiuio carnes pro optimo ferculo venationis.
"What a brute this is of a fraction! Skipjack, what will go in 639 and 852?" "Pulsum, a pulse- volat, flies. Eh! Three'll do it. Or common measure it at once." "Bother common measure. The threes in " "Fama, fame; volat, flies; pulsum, the pulse; cecisse, to have ceased; paternis regnis, in the paternal kingdom. I say wouldn't that rile Perkins like fun?" "The threes in seven- two -in eighteen- "
47 De Bragmannorum insulis, et aliorum. 48 Aliquid de loco Paradisi terrestris per auditum. 49 In reuertendo de Regnis Cassam, et Riboth, de Diuite Epulone, vel consimili. 50 De compositione huius tractatus in Ciuitate Leodiensi.
He, they say, has shown his hero with these inconsistent characters acknowledging and ungrateful, compassionate and hard- hearted, but at the bottom fickle and self-interested; for Dido had not only received his weather-beaten troops before she saw him, and given them her protection, but had also offered them an equal share in her dominion: "Vultis et his mecum pariter considere regnis?
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