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"Look out, Skipjack, there's a moth." "Anything worth having?" demanded Bobus. "Only a grass eggar. Fama, fame; volat, flies; Idomoeea ducem, that Idomaeeus the leader; pulsum, expelled. "Never mind catching him," said Bobus, "we've got dozens." "Yes, but I don't want him frizzling alive in my candle."

On the floor was a servant's flat candlestick, mounted on a pile of books, between one John sprawling at full length preparing his Virgil, the other cross-legged, working a sum with ink from a doll's tea-cup placed in the candlestick, and all the time there was a wonderful mumbling accompaniment, as there always was between those two. "I say, what does pulsum come from?"

"I say, Johnny, is pulsum from pulco?" "Never heard of it." "Bobus, is it pulco, pulxi, pulsum?" "Pulco- I make an ass of myself," muttered Bobus. "O murder," groaned Johnny, "it has come out 213." "Not half so much murder as this pulsum. Why it will go in them both. I can see with half an eye." "Isn't it pello -pulsum?" "Pello, to drive out. Hurrah! That fits it."

"What a brute this is of a fraction! Skipjack, what will go in 639 and 852?" "Pulsum, a pulse- volat, flies. Eh! Three'll do it. Or common measure it at once." "Bother common measure. The threes in " "Fama, fame; volat, flies; pulsum, the pulse; cecisse, to have ceased; paternis regnis, in the paternal kingdom. I say wouldn't that rile Perkins like fun?" "The threes in seven- two -in eighteen- "