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The thin hand wrung Malcolm's with surprising force; but Malcolm's eyes were a little misty as he went out of the room, for he knew he knew too well that in this life he should never see David Carlyon's face again! Shall I forget on this side of the grave? I promise nothing: you must wait and see, Patient and brave. Shall I forget in peace of Paradise?

They were intensely blue, with the blueness of a flame. "She is safe at Akbar," he said, returning without emotion to the knotting of the bandage. "The road was open for the messenger. The horse was swift. There is one woman less to take the risk." "I see," said Raymond quietly. He was frowning a little, but not at Carlyon's strategy. "The rest," Carlyon continued, "must be fought for.

Carlyon's words had touched him in the right place. Though fiercely restless still, his manhood had been stirred, and gradually the strength, the unflinching resolution that had dominated Averil, took the place of his feverish excitement. Derrick, the impulsive and headstrong, became the mainstay as well as the undismayed protector of the women during that night scare of the Frontier.

He ended with a faint smile, and Derrick fell back abashed, an unwilling admiration struggling with the sullenness of his submission. Later, at Carlyon's order, he joined the party that had been detailed to watch over the club-house, the most precious and the safest position in the whole station. He chafed sorely at the inaction, but he repressed his feelings.

But he trades with blood. He lives on treachery. He is more subtle than the subtlest Pathan. He would betray any one or all of us to death if it were to the interest of the Empire that we should be sacrified. That, you know, in reason, is all very well. But, personally, I would sooner tread barefoot on a scorpion than get entangled in Carlyon's web. He is more false and more cruel than a serpent.

Carlyon's reading, "but I know you would not have questioned me if you did not want to know my real opinion. I think it is rather a pity that Mr. Carlyon has not taken elocution lessons." "You are quite right," she returned quietly. "I can assure you that he is fully aware of his deficiencies."

"It does not sound an inviting spot certainly." "Well, it is not exactly a Garden of Eden," returned Cedric with a grin. "But, as David says, it has its advantages, for one can wear out one's old clothes quite comfortably. I believe there is really beautiful country two or three miles away." "I suppose Mr. Carlyon's mother is living too?" But here Cedric shook his head.

Over and over again she repeated dumbly Mr. Carlyon's words. How could she doubt that David had spoken them when he had tried with loving unselfishness to say them to her! Would she ever forget the tender solemnity of his manner? "Elizabeth, life is long as you say, and your great loving heart must not remain unsatisfied.

And her faults oh well," with a dreary laugh, "her faults are Elizabethan too." But once, when the bitterness of his pain was too great, he muttered to himself a strange thing. "It is I who ought to be in his place," he said. "She is bewitched David Carlyon's simplicity and goodness have bewitched her but he is not her rightful mate."

Carlyon's hedge, they saw a tall and very slender mouse-colored figure, as Halcyone emerged on her homeward way she had run down to see Cheiron when her duties with Miss Roberta were over, and was now going back to lunch. "Good morning!" called John Derringham, and the four advanced to the very edge of their side, and Halcyone turned and also bordered hers, while she bowed serenely.