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Cargill's clear and comprehensive view of Christ and His universal dominion enabled him to take the right side in the great struggle that was then shaking Scotland's foundations. He wisely chose the strong side. He cast his lot in with the poor "remnant," who were hunted, captured, and executed as fast as the bloodhounds of King Charles could do their cruel work.

She had not forgotten. She did her best to avoid him, and succeeded remarkably well, in spite of the fact that their hostess, knowing something of young Cargill's feelings, made several efforts to throw them together. One day at the end of the hunt he came alongside of her and they walked their horses home together.

Six or eight men came into the larger room talking loudly and excitedly about the market, and Cargill's attention was drawn off by the resonant reports of the Chicago market. "The market shows great elasticity. Western advices contribute to the Bull feeling." "Do you know Miss Wilbur?" Bradley asked when Cargill came back, being afraid Cargill might forget the topic of conversation.

Andrew Cargill's Confession. Between Sinverness and Creffel lies the valley of Glenmora. Sca Fells and Soutra Fells guard it on each hand, and the long, treacherous sweep of Solway Frith is its outlet.

"Don't drag Swift into our discussion," Ida cried. "Mr. Cargill's a sort of American Swift," turning to Bradley. "Don't let him spoil your splendid optimism. There is a kind of pessimism which is really optimism; that is to say, people who believe the imperfect and unjust can be improved upon.

The speakerships, the house offices, were being contested for here; the real battle was being fought here, and under Cargill's cynical comment the scene assumed great significance to Bradley's uninitiated eyes. They took seats on the balcony which ran around the "bear pit," as he called it. Around them, flitting to and fro, were dozens of bright, rather self-sufficient young women.

The times call for heroic lives, men who will not flinch under reproach, nor apologize for their convictions; men who will support the truth at any cost, and denounce sin at every hazard. Can the Church now furnish such men? Who succeeded Cameron as leader of the Society people? Tell something about Cargill's early life. How was he influenced to become a minister?

Donald Cargill received the martyr's crown in 1681, after passing through 20 years of persecution. He died on the scaffold at the age of 71. Standing beneath the rope he exclaimed, "This is the sweetest and most glorious day that ever mine eyes did see." He sang Psalm 118, from the 16th verse. Cargill's life was tossed about on roughest waves. He made many narrow escapes.

Machell was the elder Cargill's secretary, and young Cargill was the old man's heir. It was not until he was in the boat-train that he realised that he was about to cross the sea. It was a coincidence an odd coincidence. When the ship tossed in an unusually rough crossing he was prepared to admit to himself that it was an uncanny coincidence. He stayed a week in Paris for his uncle's funeral.

"What about that Bill of yours, Vennard?" he asked. "There have been a lot of stupid rumours." "Bill?" Vennard said. "I know of no Bill. Now that my departmental work is over, I can give my whole soul to Cargill's Small Holdings. Do you mean that?" "Yes, of course. There was some confusion in the popular mind, but the old arrangement holds. You and Cargill will put it through between you."