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The present moment is particularly propitious, since in various parts of the country there has been an epidemic, and, glory be to God, a large number of souls have died of it. Nowadays landowners have taken to card-playing and junketting and wasting their money, or to joining the Civil Service in St.

He went into a Christian Church; was coldly received, and said to himself: 'Well, if that is the kind of Christian people they have in America, I don't want to associate with them much. So he joined a card-playing party. He went with them from time to time. He went a little further on, and after a while he was in games of chance, and lost all of the $70,000.

There was not a little longing for gayety and gladness after the long and weary strife, the deaths, the wounded soldiers, and all the privations. The elder people might solace themselves with card-playing, but the younger ones wanted a different kind of diversion. The old Southwark Theater was opened under the attractive title of "Academy of Polite Science."

And I saw him getting further and further wrong, and I could not stop him, and there were things which I didn't know about, dear horse-racing, and card-playing, and all that sort of thing. I made him a cup of hot coffee to drink before he started; I always made him that, dear, if he was off ever so early. 'Well, he was ready to go, but he turned round at the door, and says he, "Is Poppy awake?"

And, another puzzling point, how did Col. Baker know it? They two certainly did not come in contact, that they should understand each other's ideas. She went on with her card-playing, but she played very badly. More than once Col. Baker rallied her with good-humored sarcasm, and her father spoke impatiently. Flossy's interest in the game was gone; instead, her heart was busy with this new idea.

You would be astonished at the number of men among the captains and traders of these parts who have more than an average amount of literary and scientific taste; whereas among the naval and military officers and various Government officials very few have any such taste, but find their only amusements in card-playing and dissipation.

The Old Place that tumble-down old ruin of a house all alone out there on the cliffs. It belonged to my father, you remember, but it hadn't been lived in for years. I had a key because we young bloods used the place for card-playing, and high jinks. "I gave him the key. Why not? It was a small matter. He went off to Boston business trip, he said.

"Them sprigs of lieutenants down there," said he, "they're a surprising lot for learning virtue to a man. You take Balwin. Why, he ain't been out of the Academy only two years, and he's been telling me how card-playing ain't good for you. And what do you suppose he's been and offered Jarvis Cutler for a job? I'm to be wagon-master."

And the election is by committee he'll get in all right. What does he want with it? oh, I don't know. Perhaps he has been disappointed in love and seeks for a little consolation in card-playing." "Yes, you always sneer at love because you don't know anything about it," she said, snappishly. "Or perhaps you are an extinct volcano.

Said he: "We just put up a few dollars, you know, to lend devotions to the game." So prizes are offered in the social gambling "to lend devotions to the game." It is under such circumstances as these that young men and young women receive their first lessons in card-playing.