Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 6, 2025
Hoxer could not kill him here, for the carcass would tell the story. But was it not told already in those tracks in the dusty road? What vengeance was there not written in the eccentric script of those queer little padded imprints of the creature's paws. Fie, fool! Was this the only cur-dog in the Bend? he asked himself, impatient of his fears.
A pack of wolves just off the road and to the west at that moment began their devilish concert over some wayside carcass just at the moment when she came in sight. She appeared in the road where it came into my view twenty rods or so beyond the creek, and on the other side of it.
"Don't you hear it?" she answered. "The wind is blowing the house down. There's just been a terrible fall, and every moment I hear it going. If my father were only come! We shall be all blown into the burn." "Nae fear o' that, my leddy!" returned Malcolm. "The wa's o' the auld carcass are 'maist live rock, an' 'ill stan' the warst win' 'at ever blew this side o' the tropics, ony gait.
"But you forget that we are to sleep in the wood, and that it's no laughing matter to get wet through, freezing so hard as it does now." "Very true, Peter; but as the snow lies so deep upon the ditch, perhaps the ice may bear. I'll try; if it bears me, it will not condescend to bend at your shrimp of a carcass."
It was daylight before any of them awoke, or it should have been daylight, by the hour: but there was a thick fog around them, so thick and dark that the carcass of the cachalot was not visible from the deck of the Catamaran, although only a few feet of water lay between them. Ben Brace was the first to bestir himself.
That is, you will acknowledge it if you think fit," hastily added the soldier "I have no right to dictate to you in anything." "And why the devil should any one do you this ill-turn?" "I do not know, Mr. Burgomaster but " "You do not know well, nor I either," said the burgomaster impatiently. "Zounds! what a many words about the carcass of an old horse!"
I had heard Maguire remark within. "Blamed if our Bowery boys ain't cock-angels to scum like this. Ah, you biter, I wouldn't soil my knuckles on your ugly face; but if I had my thick boots on I'd dance the soul out of your carcass for two cents!"
It was just at dusk. The voices of great four-footed hunters rose now and again from various directions, and as the canon afforded among its trees no comfortable retreat the ape-man shouldered the carcass of the deer and started downward onto the plain. At its opposite side rose lofty trees a great forest which suggested to his practiced eye a mighty jungle.
While the Indians temporarily drew back out of range, Jim pulled Loving from beneath his fallen mule, and, using his neckerchief, applied a tourniquet to the wounded leg which abated the hemorrhage, and then placed him in as easy a position as possible within the shelter of the wallow, and behind the fallen carcass of the mule.
Then something attracted his attention in the forest, and he stood motionless looking towards it, broadside to me, with his fore-paws planted on the carcass. This gave me my chance. I drew a very fine bead between his eye and ear; and pulled trigger. He dropped like a steer when struck with a pole-axe. If there is a good hiding-place handy it is better to lie in wait at the carcass.
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