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Condiment advanced and set the candle upon the chimney-piece, and Capitola's sight accommodated itself to the scene, she saw that upon the right of the chimney-piece stood a tall tester bedstead, curtained with very dark crimson serge; on the left hand, thick curtains of the same color draped the two windows.

Capitola's spirit rebelled against this; and, suddenly turning upon her attendant, she indignantly exclaimed: "Wool, I don't want you, sir; I insist upon being left alone, and I order you to go home, sir!" Upon this Wool burst into tears and roared. Much surprised, Capitola inquired of him what the matter was.

He longed to catch that little savage to his bosom and have her at his mercy. The aversion she had exhibited toward him only stimulated his passion. Craven Le Noir, among his other graces, was gifted with inordinate vanity. He did not in the least degree despair of over-coming all Capitola's dislike to his person and inspiring her with a passion equal to his own.

While she was still looking anxiously for the lost jewel the door opened and Dorcas Knight entered the room, bearing on her arm Capitola's riding dress, which had been well dried and ironed. "Miss Capitola, here is your habit; you had better put it on at once, as I have ordered breakfast an hour sooner than usual, so that you may have an early start."

But still retaining her prejudice against the presence of food in her bed-chamber, she lifted up the waiter in both hands to cany it out into the passage, turned and stood face to face with Black Donald! Out of this nettle, danger, I'll pluck the flower, safety! Capitola's blood seemed turned to ice, and her form to stone by the sight! Her first impulse was to scream and let fall the waiter!

There! keep your veil close, for it's windy, you know; throw back your head and fling yourself along with a swagger, as if you didn't care, ahem! for anybody, and there you are!" said Cap, pushing Clara out and shutting the door behind her. Clara paused an instant to offer up one short, fervent prayer for her success and Capitola's safety, and then following her instructions, went on.

They found Old Hurricane storming all over the house, and ordering everybody off the premises in his fury of anxiety upon Capitola's account. But when the party arrived, surprise at seeing them in the company of Herbert Greyson quite revolutionized his mood, and, forgetting to rage, he gave them all a hearty welcome.

Condiment good-night and left the housekeeper's room. "Who that had seen her form so light For swiftness only turned, Would e'er have thought in a thing so slight Such a fiery spirit burned?" Very dreary looked the dark and silent passages as they went on toward Capitola's distant chamber.

It was several hours before the messenger returned with the constables, and with several neighbors whom interest and curiosity had instigated to join the party. As soon as they arrived, a long ladder was procured and carried up into Capitola's chamber, and let down through the trap-door.

"Draw her arm within yours, Craven, and lead her out." The young man did as he was directed and led Cap from the room. It was now quite dark the long, dreary passage was only dimly lighted by a hanging lamp, so that with the care she took there was scarcely a possibility of Capitola's being discovered.