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The second sort bore a much greater resemblance to the true cabbage-tree of the West Indies: Its leaves were large and pinnated, like those of the cocoa-nut; and these also produced a cabbage, which, though not so sweet as the other, was much larger.

They might have been known as young gentlemen by the tone of their voices rather than by their costume, which consisted of a red serge shirt, loose trousers fastened at the waist with a leathern belt, large boots coming up to their knees, and broad-brimmed cabbage-tree hats. Each carried in his hand a heavy whip with a long thick thong.

You would not have believed, if you had seen him in Melbourne, and heard him speak such English, that he could go about in an old ragged, dirty shooting-coat, with a cabbage-tree hat as black as a coal nearly that he could live in a slab hut, with a clay, or rather, a dirt floor, and a window-bole with no glass in it and that he could have all the cooking and half the work of the house done at the fireside he sat at, and sit down at a table without a table-cloth, and drink tea out of tin pannikins.

For sometimes I catch glimpses of him between the tree-trunks we have myriads of cabbage-tree palms, tree-ferns, and bangalow palms, among the eucalypti hereabouts and always, if we are less than a quarter of a mile or so from home, it is his rounded haunches that I see, and he is walking slowly away from me, listening to my call, and doubtless grinning as he chews his cud a great ruminator is my Punch.

She's gone to the picnic, and she's run away from school." Uninvited Guests The captain was walking slowly across the paddocks with the cabbage-tree hat he kept for the garden pushed back from his brow. He was rather heated after his tussle with his second son, and there was a thoughtful light in his eyes.

"'Awful dry Wet we're having, sez he," he murmured, "'the place is alive with dead cattle. 'Fact, sez he, 'cattle's dying this year that never died before." Then remarking that "this sort of thing" wasn't "exactly a thirst quencher," he followed up the creek bank into a forest of cabbage-tree palms tall, feathery-crested palms everywhere, taller even that the forest trees; but never a sign of water.

Four miles beyond this river we came to another channel of salt water, but not so large as the last. In valleys sloping down to this watercourse we met, for the first time, clumps of a tree called by the residents of King George's Sound the cabbage-tree, and not far from which were native wells of fresh water; there were also several patches of rich land bordering upon the watercourse.

Purdy did in truth look down on his luck. Unkempt, bearded to the eyes, there he stood clutching his shapeless old cabbage-tree, in mud-stained jumper and threadbare smalls the very spit of the unsuccessful digger. Well might they be suspected of not owning the necessary to pay their way! "All serene, mister! The boss'ull take you on."

"Harry" was a splendid specimen of humanity. Tall, lithesome, handsome, intelligent, proud of superior abilities, prouder of his style. In his time he played many parts. A stockrider, when he would appear in a gay shirt, tight white moleskins, cabbage-tree hat, flash riding-boots with glittering spurs.

Banks almost dropped the tea-tray, and then darting outside, dashed his cabbage-tree hat on the ground, and began to dance as the first heavy drops of the coming deluge fell upon his head.