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The lease, originally but for some three years and a half, drawing now to a close, he resolved to quit Bute; had heard, I know not where, of an eligible cottage without farm attached, in the pleasant little village of Llanblethian close by Cowbridge in Glamorganshire; of this he took a lease, and thither with his family he moved in search of new fortunes.

There Miss Crawley lay for days ever so many days Mr. Bute reading books of devotion to her: for nights, long nights, during which she had to hear the watchman sing, the night-light sputter; visited at midnight, the last thing, by the stealthy apothecary; and then left to look at Mrs. Bute's twinkling eyes, or the flicks of yellow that the rushlight threw on the dreary darkened ceiling.

They tried to torture me to death, but I escaped to tell my master of this calamity " Then Aasta questioned him; but her words fell upon the ears of the dead; so she arose. The swift-footed hart runs not more swiftly than Aasta ran that day across Bute. She found Kenric lounging on the little pier and throwing pebbles one by one into the green water.

But, in the spring of 1761, as soon as the Parliament was dissolved, that statesman retired from office, and was succeeded by the Earl of Bute, a Scotch nobleman, who stood high in the favor of the King's mother, the Princess Dowager of Wales, but who had not till very recently been supposed to be actuated by political ambition, and who was still less suspected of any statesman-like ability to qualify him for the office to which he was thus promoted.

But he had disappeared. So I followed him, and we entered by the front. Robina was standing by the table, peeling potatoes. "I have brought Mr. Bute back with me," I explained. "He is going to stop the night." Robina said: "If ever I go to live in a cottage again it will have one door." She took her potatoes with her and went upstairs. "I do hope she isn't put out," said young Bute.

But for the slaying of a king the fine is not nine score, but six times nine-score of kine, or three thousand golden oras. And if that fine be not paid within a year and a day, then shall the traitor die the death. And now, oh men of Bute, since that I cannot see this man die as, would that I might! I call upon him for the due payment of my eriach fine.

With her sister-in-law, Rebecca was satisfactorily able to prove that it was Mrs. Bute Crawley who brought about the marriage which she afterwards so calumniated; that it was Mrs. Bute's avarice who hoped to gain all Miss Crawley's fortune and deprive Rawdon of his aunt's favour which caused and invented all the wicked reports against Rebecca.

One day, near the end of June, Maggie was standing at an upper window, gazing wistfully at the little park, full of pretty shrubs, which belonged specially to Bute Crescent. A handsome carriage rapidly took the turn, came dashing up the broad gravelled sweep, and stopped at Mrs. Lauder's house. In a few minutes there was a call for Maggie, and she went down stairs.

He became convinced that while the favors of the State lay in Bute's hands they would only be given to Tories, and more especially to Tories who were also Scotchmen. If Bute could have known, it would have been a happy hour for him which had seen Wilkes starting for the Golden Horn or sailing for the St. Lawrence.

"Oh, certainly, my dear sir; just as much of an instrument as ever Samson was, flourishing the jawbone of an ass, smiting the Philistines hip and thigh," Mr. Dapper replied. The ladies smiled, but the rector did not altogether relish the reply. "I never have quite understood how Earl Bute obtained his ascendency with the king," said Mr. Adams.