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As, in his imagination, he faced the ordeal he unconsciously straightened up. "Burt! Burt! come quick!" Banule was waving his arms frantically from the platform of the pump-house. There was desperation in his cry for help. He dashed back inside as soon as he saw Bruce jump out of the sluice-box.

Burt, meantime, was occupied with disagreeable reflections. Perhaps both the girls at last understood him, and had been comparing notes, to his infinite disadvantage. His fickleness and the dilemma he was in may have become a jest between them. What could he do? Resentment, except against himself, was impossible.

It was he who forged the note, out of sport, and for a bet, and then was too cowardly to own it." She then detailed Hand's confession. "His penitence comes too late," said she, with a deep sigh. "It hasn't come yet," said Burt, dryly. "Of course my lambs followed the man. He went first to his employer, and then he went home. His name is not Hand.

As soon as the crowd thinned out, he asked him if he had that locket, and at first Burt put up a bluff. Finally he admitted that he got it from Greg. Simpson; said he swapped a lot of tops and marbles for it." "I should n't suppose he'd have given it up," cried Polly excitedly. David laughed. "He did n't without a tussle; but Cornelius was more than a match for him my!

Burt actually bought you a doll. Ha! ha! ha! Maggie had planned to have you hang up your stocking with the children, and such a lot of little traps and sweets she has for you!"

If we go up quietly and openly, and come down quietly and openly, who is to suspect anything? Our horses will be outside, in Woodley Street, and we'll be out of their reach in no time. Shall we say to-morrow evening for the job?" "That's very early," Williams cried tremulously. "The sooner the better," Burt said, with an oath.

So we went round to the school, and waited till 't was out. He had to go on an errand for his father this afternoon, and so was excused early. "Burt Sehl is the boy's name, and Cornelius and I walked along with him till we got off the street Cornel' was sharp enough not to tackle him near the school.

And that is a comfort; I hate to sleep with one eye open. You are laughing, Bessie; you would not laugh if you had lost seven pigeons ready to go into a pie, and all in the space of ten days. I am sure that horrid Burt stole 'em." Bessie still laughed: "Is your affection so material? Do you love your pigeons so dearly that you eat them up?" said she. "What else should I keep them for?

Ma Snow whispered confidentially: "One of the hins laid day 'fore yistiddy." The prize had been filched from Mr. Snow, one of whose diversions was listening for a hen to cackle. From his height Bruce looked down upon the work-stooped little woman and he saw, not her churn-like contour nor her wrinkled face, but the light of a kind heart shining in her pale eyes. He wanted to cry he Bruce Burt!

Burt Hawkins evidently held his visitor in esteem, for, reaching out his horny hand, he gently passed his fingers over the cheek nearest him, and then drew it across the chin. "No; there's no beard there. It's as smooth as the cheeks of my little five-year old Peggy at home.