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"Well, we're rather afraid we are!" Mrs. Burgoyne's voice, if fearful, was hopeful too, for Ellen's face was a study. "Why, is it such a terrible effort?" "Oh, yes, it's an appalling amount of struggle and fuss, there's all sorts of red tape, and the flowers are so messy," answered the doctor's wife warningly, "and this year will be worse than ever.

Frothingham's "Siege," 126, and Sabine's "Loyalists," 707. Reports vary from eighty to three hundred feet. Dearborn's account of the battle, Historical Magazine for 1864. Bancroft, v, 612. Ross's "Life of Cornwallis," quoted in Fonblanque's "Burgoyne," 159. The picturesqueness of this scene has been remarked by many writers. The best contemporary description is, of course, Burgoyne's.

Then shall we descend to the beach again, and get into a boat, and lie down, and find ourselves shot into the Blue Grotto find ourselves floating between heaven and earth in a hollow-sounding globe of azure flame?... Dreams dreams! "Io te voglio bene assaje, e tu non pienz' a me!" During the first period of Miss Burgoyne's engagement to Lionel Moore, all went well.

Burgoyne's hands; the black and white of the Dominicans, the brown of the Franciscans, the black of the Jesuits, the staircase in the Via Sistina had been well acquainted with them all.

She had taken Mrs. Burgoyne's word of 'mad' in a general sense, as meaning eccentricity and temper. But surely they were gravely anxious and everything was most strange and mysterious. The memory of the white staring face under the moonlight appalled her. She tried not to think of it; but it haunted her.

Too faithfully followed by half, this policy had ended in the humiliation of Saratoga and in the added burden of a war with France. News of Burgoyne's surrender scarcely reached England before offers of conciliation, embracing more than every concession the colonies had originally demanded, were hastily pushed through Parliament and entrusted to commissioners sent to America to negotiate peace.

It seemed as though nothing could stop Burgoyne's advance. Congress now appointed a new general, Gates, to whom Washington sent General Morgan with some of his best troops. While Burgoyne waited, the militia of New England began collecting, and presently, on August 15 and 16, two detachments of the British sent to seize stores at Bennington were surrounded and captured. St.

The memory of her humiliation was too recent, the chances of the contest too doubtful, to admit of any other course of conduct on her part. Meanwhile, she gave us much secret help, but none openly. The course of events was, however, closely watched, and when Burgoyne's surrender was known in Paris, it was seen that the day of revenge had come at last.

He leant upon his stick, conscious of inward excitement, feeling suddenly on his old shoulders the burden of those three lives of which Mrs. Burgoyne had spoken. 'My God, give them to me! he cried, with a sudden leap of the heart that was at once humble and audacious. Not a word to Mr. Manisty, or to any other human being, clearly, as to Mrs. Burgoyne's presence at Torre Amiata.

It shows Harlequin invading the territory of Shakespeare; Harlequin is defeated and Shakespeare restored. The Lady of the Manor. Here Lamb's memory, I fancy, betrayed him. Lamb's pen probably meant to write "The Lord of the Manor," General Burgoyne's opera, with music by William Jackson, of Exeter, which was produced in 1780.