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For soon the ruffle of the breeze died from off the sea, and it became gray glass through which the anchor sank almost without a sound and was lost. "Sweet place, isn't it, Mr. Simpson?" said Bunsen, the purser, pausing on his way to the gangway. "So that," Simpson rejoined slowly and because it was a port of his desire his voice shook on the words "is Port au Prince!"

Gladstone dined with Baron Bunsen on the birthday of the King of Prussia, when, as reported by Lord Shaftesbury, he "stripped himself of a part of his Puseyite garments, spoke like a pious man, rejoiced in the bishopric of Jerusalem, and proposed the health of Alexander, the new Bishop of that see. This is delightful, for he is a good man, a clever man and an industrious man."

Chevalier Bunsen, the Prussian Minister, Monckton Milnes, afterwards Lord Houghton, and others whose names he never knew, subscribed a considerable sum of money for maintaining the unpopular writer at a German university while he made a serious study of theological science.

The first condition of the problem was to find a medium on which the heat could be perfectly concentrated and raised to illuminating power. Many experiments have been made with platinum in a Bunsen flame, and a brilliant enough light has been produced, but at a cost altogether outside commercial use. The Vienna chemist, Dr.

Simpson, seeing clearly as men do before they die, flung himself toward her. The cripple's knife, thrust from below, went home between his ribs just as the mamaloi's blade crossed the throat of the sacrifice. "So I signed the death-certificate," Witherbee concluded. "Death at the hands of persons unknown." "And they'll call him a martyr," said Bunsen. "Who knows?" the consul responded gravely.

He turned at the gate and looked back. The child had toddled to the door and was standing there, holding on to the door-post. Inside, the shadow of the woman flickered across the close bars of bamboo. Bunsen was standing on the jetty when they reached it talking excitedly with a tall bowed man of fifty or so whose complexion showed the stippled pallor of long residence in the tropics.

From a recent number of the Annales de l'Electricite, we learn that Count de Moulins experimented on the lake in the Bois de Boulogne, in the year 1866, with an iron flat-bottomed boat, carrying twelve persons. Twenty Bunsen cells furnished the current to a motor on Froment's principle turning a pair of paddle wheels. In all these reports there is a lack of data.

This part also corresponds with the jet of the Bunsen burner, when the holes are closed by which otherwise air would mingle with the gas, or with the flame from a gas-stove when the gas ignites beneath the proper igniting-jets, and which gives consequently a white or yellow flame.

In the middle was as plain a table, with half a dozen books, a microscope under a glass shade, a little wooden case which was opened to display an array of delicate scientific instruments, a Bunsen burner, which was burning bluely under a small glass bowl half filled with a dark and turgid concoction of some kind.

The third portion, on the other hand, corresponds with the "oxidising" flame of the blow-pipe, since it gives up oxygen to bodies that are thirsting for it. This also corresponds with the ordinary blue flame of the Bunsen burner, and with the blue flame of gas-stoves where heat, and not light, is required, the blue flame in both cases being caused by the admixture of air with the gas.