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Il Matrimonio Inaspettato, a composition of PAESIELLO, is likewise in rehearsal, as well as Le Nozze di Dorina, by SARTI, and La Vilanella Rapita, by BIANCHI. MOZART too will soon enter the lists; his Dom Giovanni is to be speedily brought forward. The orchestra of the Opera Buffa, though far from numerous, is extremely well-composed.

The genesis of the southern branch of opera buffa may with certainty be traced to the intermezzi, or musical interludes, which were introduced into the course of operas and dramas, probably with the object of relieving the mental strain induced by the effort of following a long serious performance.

He seldom spoke of me to any one, and when he did, it was always in a stupid, injudicious, or disparaging way. He was constantly urging me to go to see Piccini, and also Caribaldi, for there is a miserable opera buffa here, but I always said, "No, I will not go a single step," &c. In short, he is of the Italian faction; he is insincere himself, and strives to crush me.

Il Viaggio A Reims was played. Le Moniteur, apropos of this work, said: "It is an opera of a mould which, under the forms of the Opera Buffa, presents some ideas not destitute of comedy, in which homage of love and respect is at times expressed with an art that French taste cannot disavow.

Lauretta on her part maintained that it would be a pity if I did not follow my bent for the light and the graceful, in a word, for opera buffa. She had been engaged as first lady singer for this species of composition; and that nobody but I should write the piece in which she was to appear was simply a matter of course. You may fancy what my feelings were as I stood between the two.

But, apart from the freedom and variety of the subjects with which it dealt, the development of opera buffa gave rise to an art-form which is of the utmost importance to the history of opera the concerted finale.

"But surely," said she, "you have not really discharged the poor man?" "Oh, no," replied I; "he acted his part so well before the locksmith, that I should be very sorry to lose such an apt scholar." "You must perform this 'buffa scena'," observed Her Highness, "to the Queen.

Paris, January 17, 1802. If we do not consider the Opera Buffa as a national theatre, then the next in rank, after the Grand French Opera and the Theatre Francais, is the This house, which is situated in the Rue Feydeau, near the Rue de la Loi, was opened for the first time in January 1791.

"Don Giovanni," an opera buffa in two acts, words by Da Ponte, was first produced at Prague, Oct. 29, 1787. The full title of the work is "Il dissoluto punito, ossia il Don Giovanni," and the subject was taken from a Spanish tale by Tirso de Molina, called "El combidado de piedra." The original cast of the opera was as follows:

For some reason, however, it did not prove a success, and after a few years was compelled to close its doors. After these first experiments there seems to have been no attempt made to resuscitate opera buffa until the rise of the Neapolitan school in the following century.