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There's my home garden to be made ready, and the cattle and pigs to be looked after, and a run to be built for my chickens. The latter, for all their neglect, have been laying like mad and I've three full crates of eggs in the cellar, all dipped in water-glass and ready for barter at Buckhorn.

"Why I guess only one hundred and fifty, and most all my volunteers," somewhat exultingly exclaimed Major Killdeer. "Only one hundred and fifty men!" repeated Gerald, unable to disguise his vexation and astonishment. "That ere's a poser for him," said the Major, turning and addressing Captain Buckhorn in an undertone, who replied to him with a wink from his nearest eye. "Even so, Mr.

And poor old Whinstane Sandy, back at Alabama Ranch, is still making sheep's eyes at the patches which Struthers once sewed on his breeks, like as not, and staring with a moonish smile at the atrabilious photograph which the one camera-artist of Buckhorn made of Struthers and my three pop-eyed kiddies.... These are, without exception, the friendliest people I have ever known.

We crouched on the blanket alongside of him, and in a voice that was barely audible he was failing fast the old man proceeded. The earlier part of his narrative, which was the least interesting, I will set down briefly in my own words. His name was Hiram Buckhorn, and he was now sixty odd years of age.

"It would; but my father was one of the best shots in the district, and could hit a white spot on the bark of a tree at a great distance without missing. It was an old Indian from Buckhorn Lake, who taught him to shoot deer by torchlight, and to trap beavers."

By the way, Hen, here's something of yours that we found." "My knife with the buckhorn handle!" exclaimed the Condit boy, looking pleased. "I missed that, and thought I'd never see it again. Where did you pick it up, Toby?" "Huh! you dropped it from your pocket once upon a time when your heels were some higher than your head.

Captain Buckhorn, however, not choosing to hazard an opinion on the subject, merely shrugged his shoulders, puffed his cigar, and looked at the Colonel as if he expected him to decide the question. "As I am a true Tennessee man, bred and born, Major Killdeer," said the Aid-de-Camp Jackson, "I can't see how that can lie.

Michael felt no stern joy in him a foeman not worth licking, on his merits. But the knife that he left behind, with a buckhorn handle, was a fizzing knife, and was prized in after-years by Michael. The Wardle household had gone into mourning for the Sunflower. Was it not the same Sunflower as last year, reincarnated? Dolly sat under it, shedding tears.

Now you know why my private den is just cram full of the things you fellows like. You may also guess where I procured the black wolfskin rugs and the rare bead and porcupine quill decorations. Yes, that long-barrelled rifle hanging on the buckhorn rack is the famous Patrick Mullen gun.

With one hand he felt up her sleeve, and there, where the Dream-Woman had hidden the knife, his wife had hidden it the knife with the buckhorn handle, that looked like new. In the despair of that fearful moment his brain was steady, his heart was calm.