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Man has found new clews to read the story of his past, and new ways to mould his present and future. The old ethical ideals have been reaffirmed, broadened, purified. The task of building personal life and of ordering society has been set before man in fresh clearness, under heavy penalties for failure and heart-filling rewards for success.

The banker's smile broadened. "Apologies, Galusha," he said, "to her and to you." He turned and gazed steadily down at his relative's bowed head. "Loosh," he said. "Eh?" Galusha looked up. "Eh? Did you speak?" he asked. "I did. No, don't look at that gravestone, look at me. Say, Loosh, why did you do it?" "Eh?... I beg pardon.... Why did I... You mean why did I ah buy the stock and and "

If the inherited effect of an inch or two of denudation extends from three to six inches upwards, why has it not also extended two inches downwards so as to narrow the broadened end? The narrowness seems to be a mainly relative or negative effect produced by the broadening out of a long tapering feather at its end under the influence of sexual selection.

They could talk, but only of recipes and church affairs, and if they left this narrow environment at all it was to fare far to India and China, the foreign mission field. My view had broadened. Gladys Todd had her being in higher airs. She painted. Pastels of flowers and plaques adorned with ideal heads covered the walls of the Todd parlor. She wrote.

Hampton's genial smile only broadened, as he carelessly rolled an unlighted cigar between his lips. "It seems to me you are becoming rather nervous for this line of business, Jim. You should take a good walk in the fresh air every morning, and let up on the liquor. I assure you, Mr. Slavin is one of my most devoted friends, and is of that tender disposition he would not willingly injure a fly."

Bull was at the 'phone, and his eyes were smiling at an insurance advertisement set up for the edification and interest of those whose use of the instrument prevented their escape. "Yes. Oh, yes. Got in this morning. What's that? Oh, pretty rough. Yes. It's a bad sea most all the time. Why, that's good of you, Mr. Peterman." His smile broadened. "Yes. You sent an excellent ambassador.

This it does in the hope that its influence may be broadened and deepened. Ministers and officials are constantly pondering the question of substitutions.

And he took off his black velvet cap to her and smiled. "How do you do?" he said brightly. "Good-afternoon!" The woman seemed pleased, he thought. The smile broadened on her rosy face and a kind look came into her blue eyes. "God bless your lordship!" she said. "God bless your pretty face! Good luck and happiness to your lordship! Welcome to you!"

Amos Green, De Catinat, and even the old merchant had to take their spell ere morning, when the sailors were needed aboard for the handling of the canvas. At last, however, with the early dawn the river broadened out and each bank trended away, leaving a long funnel-shaped estuary between. Ephraim Savage snuffed the air and paced the deck briskly with a twinkle in his keen gray eyes.

He stopped before her, and his grin broadened. "Range steers are sort of peculiar, ma'am," he said gently. "They're raised like that. They don't ever see no man around them unless he's forkin' his pony. No cowpuncher with any sense goes to hoofin' it around a range steer it ain't accordin' to the rules.