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Well God darn you! Ouch, Gee-whizz! Soak him, Maud! It's up to you, Duke...." "Now where did you learn all that?" asked Mr. Direck recovering. "Out of the Sunday Supplement," said the youthful Britling. "Why! Then you know all about Buster Brown," said Mr. Direck. "He's Fine eh?" The Britling child hated Buster Brown. He regarded Buster Brown as a totally unnecessary infant.

It's only because I don't believe that the Germans are so stupid as to do such things.... Why should they?... "It makes me expressionless with anger," said Mr. Britling after a pause, reverting to his main annoyance. "They won't consider any compromise. It's sheer love of quarrelling.... Those people there think that nothing can possibly happen.

Britling discovered, when the Germans taught the English various entertaining sports with baskets and potatoes and forfeits and the English introduced the Germans to the licence of the two-step.

Britling bethought herself of Herr Heinrich's pair, still left unpacked upstairs. She produced them, and they fitted exactly. It seemed only poetical justice, a foretaste of national compensations, to annex them to Belgium forthwith.... Also it became manifest that Mr. Van der Pant was cut off from all his family. And suddenly he became briskly critical of the English way of doing things.

Britling did reappear every trace of his vexation with the levities of British politics and the British ruling class had vanished altogether, and he was no longer thinking of all that might be happening in Germany or India.... While he was out of the way Mr. Direck extended his acquaintance with the Britling household. He was taken round the garden and shown the roses by Mrs.

And bang goes a bomb in Westminster Abbey. Why shouldn't Ulster create an impossible position? And off trots some demented Carsonite to Germany to play at treason on some half word of the German Emperor's and buy half a million rifles.... "Exactly like children being very, very naughty.... "And," said Mr. Britling with a gesture to round off his discourse, "we do go on.

Britling would have been a finer if not a happier creature if his sentimental existence could have died with his first wife or continued only in his love for their son. He had married in the glow of youth, he had had two years of clean and simple loving, helping, quarrelling and the happy ending of quarrels. Something went out of him into all that, which could not be renewed again.

Direck English lanes, and then came back along narrow white paths across small fields of rising wheat, to the village and a little gate that led into the park. "Well," said Mr. Direck, "what you say about domestication does seem to me to be very true indeed. Why! even those clouds up there look as though they had a shepherd and were grazing." "Ready for shearing almost," said Mr. Britling.

While we were strolling about the rose garden. It's like something out of 'The Prisoner of Zenda." "Please," said Herr Heinrich. Mr. Britling assumed an attentive expression. "Will not this generally affect European politics?" "I don't know. Perhaps it will." "It says in the paper that Serbia has sent those bombs to Sarajevo." "It's like another world," said Mr. Britling, over his paper.

Britling had to go to the house for instructions, and guided by the under-butler found Lady Homartyn hiding away in the walled Dutch garden behind the dairy. She had been giving away the prizes of the flower-show, and she was resting in a deck chair while a spinster relation presided over the tea. Mrs. Britling had fled the outer festival earlier, and was sitting by the tea-things.