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Updated: January 7, 2025

During the period of the military dictatorship a break-away club was formed by Dinos Psiloyiannis SV1DB who added the word 'national' to its name making the Greek initials E.E.E.R. His motives were rather dubious, one of them being that he objected to a regulation which required an applicant for a licence to produce a declaration signed by the President and the Secretary of Radio Amateur Association of Greece.

"'You don't dar' shoot! says Tom; an' East don't. "They breaks away an' no powder burned; Tom stands East off. "'Warrant or no warrant, says Tom, 'all the sheriffs that ever jingles a spur in the Panhandle country, can't take me! Nor all the rangers neither! An' they shore couldn't. "Now this yere break-away of Tom's, when East gets the drop that time, takes courage.

Sam smiled swiftly in his white, set face, and gripped the old man's hand hard. "Good man!" he said. "You're the best!" Mahooley, Birley, and another, abashed by this little scene, now stepped forward. Sam waved them back. "Musq'oosis is my second," he said. "Straight Marquis of Queensberry rules," said Big Jack. "No hitting in the break-away." This was an advantage to Sam.

Let me quote a soldier's plain and graphic letter, recently published: "This break-away from trench war gives us a much better time. We know now that we are the top dogs, and that we are keeping the Germans on the move. And they're busy wondering all the time; they don't know where the next whack is coming from.

The man on the left watched his companion so carefully that he failed to see a sudden break-away of the ground. His horse stumbled, and its rider was jerked forward out of the saddle on to its neck. The noise startled the horse in the middle, and it swung on one side just at the edge of the break-away.

Back of the propellers half a dozen men were frantically at work shoveling into them sand and dirt, creating an amazingly realistic cyclone. We arrived in the midst of the cyclone scene, as the dust storm was ending and the torrential rain succeeded. For the storm, a miniature village had been constructed in break-away fashion, partially sawed through and tricked for the proper moment.

But giving the best thought possible to all the available materials it would seem that Mr Dillon's reflection on Parnell's bona fides was really at the root of the ultimate break-away. Mr Barry O'Brien, in his Life of Parnell, thus describes the incident: "Parnell went to Calais and met Mr O'Brien and Mr Dillon.

"If he tries to get away," Alex heard him add as he mounted his horse, "shoot him! I'll protect you!" "You are a young fool, all right," Munson said, returning. "You've simply made it worse for yourself. You've sure now got to stay right here, indefinite. "And, as he ordered," the cowman added determinedly, "if you try to make a break-away of it, I'll sure shoot and shoot to kill!

They hate also to be watched; for the thought of watching always suggests to their minds that which follows, the hunt, the rush, the wild break-away, and the run for life. Had she not herself watched a hundred times at the rabbit's form, the fox's runway, the deer path, the wild-goose nest?

That was silly. The young man was paid to do this, too. Still it looked like a very good job. It looked like a very much better job than shovelling coal for Metford. Then there was a sudden break-away in the dance, and the girl disappeared behind a forest, and the mobbing of the young man recommenced. Dave supposed she had gone to rest; dancing like that must be hard on the wind.

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