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While it was true that he could not work at his trade and apparently did little but sit round and talk usually high above his audience nevertheless he was the actual head of the family and its chief bread-winner.

I was on the point of approaching her, but she, so insistently, in such a heart-rending voice cried: 'Your honour! merciful sir! have pity on us, go away, for Christ's sake! that I obeyed, while she turned again to her son. 'Bread-winner, darling, she murmured soothingly: 'you shall have tea directly, directly. And you too, sir, had better take a cup of tea at home! she shouted after me.

He knew that under present circumstances neither Sir Percy nor Marguerite would make any attempt to escape. The ex-ambassador had lived in England: he understood the class to which these two belonged, and was quite convinced that no attempt would be made on either side to get Lady Blakeney away whilst the present ferocious order against the bread-winner of every family in the town held good.

He was anxious to get home and then to the hospital, to impart to his mother and father in turn the assurance that they had a bread-winner able to work and glad to do so for their benefit. Amid the buoyancy of the relief from the continuous strain and troubles of the day, Bart was bent on a quick dash for home when he remembered something that changed his plan.

Call me my aunt's bread-winner. That's my pride! I mean my cause of thankfulness. I could not have earned half so much at home. 'I hope indeed you have a home here. 'That I have, she fervently answered. 'Oh, without being a homeless orphan, one does not learn what kind hearts there are. Mr. and Mrs. Rainsforth seemed only to fear that they should not be good enough to me.

"With your leave, noble captain," replied Hereward, "I am unwilling to lay aside my bread-winner. I am one of those awkward clowns who cannot behave seemly unless I have something to occupy my hands, and my faithful battle-axe comes most natural to me."

But this mourning superstition, now surely it must do a great deal of harm in poor households in England. People who can very ill afford to throw away good dresses must have to give them up, and get new black ones, and that often at the very moment when they're just deprived of the aid of their only support and bread-winner.

'Weren't we lucky? she said. 'It was so funny to see the poor people weeping and drinking whisky at the same time. Isn't it heartless? Yet the dead perhaps the bread-winner of the family, fallen in the struggle perhaps the last little comer, not strong enough to fight this earth's battle must have lain there in plain view of that girl. Who was the most heartless?

Backwoods society was simple, and the duties and rights of each member of the family were plain and clear. The man was the armed protector and provider, the bread-winner; the woman was the housewife and child-bearer. They married young and their families were large, for they were strong and healthy, and their success in life depended on their own stout arms and willing hearts.

Fauquier AT A LOWER SALARY. For it was felt that something was wrong somewhere, and as it had always been the custom of Congress and the administration to cut down salaries as the first step to reform, they made of Mr. Fauquier a moral example. A gentleman born, of somewhat expensive tastes, having lived up to his former salary, this change brought another bread-winner into the field, Mrs.