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Maggie's inquiry was most empathetic, moreover, for the whole happy thought of the cathedral-hunt, which she was so glad they had entertained, and as to the pleasant results of which, down to the cold beef and bread-and-cheese, the queer old smell and the dirty table-cloth at the inn, Amerigo was good-humouredly responsive.

Wilfed had rolled into a wet ditch, and been picked out by his uncle and hung up to dry at a little village inn, where this seemed to have been the supreme glory they had made a meal on pigs'-liver and bread-and-cheese before plodding home again losing their way under Wilfred's confident pilotage finding themselves five miles from home getting a cast in a cart for the two little boys just as Fergus was almost ready to cry Colonel Mohun and Jasper walking alongside of the carter for two miles, and conversing in a friendly manner, though the man said he knew the soldier by his step, and thought it was a pool-trade.

He was an essentially practical young man who dined at half-past six every evening, having lunched on no more than bread-and-cheese and a glass of ale, and he also had his evenings well mapped out. "I know that already, sir." "Aye, aye, but you'll know more of it later on," replied Bartle.

About a week later when the sergeant-major told us on parade that we were "going to Tipperary" we all laughed, and no one believed it. But the next day they marched us down to the Government siding and locked us all in a train, which took us right away to Fishguard. Some of the men got some bread-and-cheese before starting, but I, in company with a good many others, did not.

Human nature is above all things lazy. I am lazy myself. Everybody is. The whole struggle of society is as to who shall eat the hard bread-and-cheese of labor, which must be eaten by somebody. Nobody wants it, neither you in the parlor, nor Biddy in the kitchen.

Two women, wearing men's jackets on their gowns, conducted in the rear of the halting procession a pony-cart containing a tapped barrel of beer, from which they drew and replenished horns that were handed round, with bread-and-cheese from a basket.

At three he had a bread-and-cheese supper, and retired early at four a.m., feeling sad and unsatisfied. "He was essentially a man of habit." The unobtrusive stranger ceased, and we sat gazing in silence at the ceiling. At length my friend rose, and taking half-a-sovereign from his pocket, laid it upon the table, and linking his arm in mine went out with me upon the deck.

Maggie's inquiry was most empathetic, moreover, for the whole happy thought of the cathedral-hunt, which she was so glad they had entertained, and as to the pleasant results of which, down to the cold beef and bread-and-cheese, the queer old smell and the dirty table-cloth at the inn, Amerigo was good-humouredly responsive.

But presently Sebert's remarks began to take a new tone. "They have the appearance of relishing what they have in that skin," he observed first. And then, "I should not mind putting my own teeth into that bread-and-cheese." And at last, "By Saint Swithin, lad, I think they have more sense than we, that linger a half-hour's ride from food with a noonday sun standing in the sky!