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Eager queries for news induced him to say he had just come from Clinch River, and that Captain William Russell, in charge of the rangers along the Clinch, had started Daniel Boone and Michael Stoner for the Falls of the Ohio to warn the surveyors along the river that the Indians were out and would soon be attacking the frontier and combing the Kentucky country clean.

The body of Shep Boone was found next day by Munro among the blackberry bushes at the fence corner of his own place. No less than four witnesses had seen young Yarnell pass that way with a rifle in his hand about the same time that Shep was riding out from town. They had heard a shot, but had thought little of it. Munro had been hoeing cotton in the field and had seen the lad as he passed.

The Indian said that Boone was a great prophet, and was loved by the Great Spirit. "Will the war-party return hither to-night?" asked Roughgrove. The Indian answered in the negative; and added that they would never attack that place again, because the Great Spirit had fought against them.

From the time that Boone left his home, upon this enterprise, until he returned to it, was but sixty-two days. During this period he travelled eight hundred miles on foot, through a country entirely destitute of human habitations, save the camps of the Indians.

After Boone and Callaway, came another hunter, Henry Scaggins, who was also employed by Henderson. He extended his explorations to the Lower Cumberland, and fixed his station at Mansco's Lick.

Carefully arranging the bundles of the dry tobacco between the poles and standing where he was able to look directly down into the faces of his enemies, Boone suddenly cut the strings by which the sticks of tobacco were held. At the same moment, with his arms full of the dried leaves, he leaped down upon the Indians, and instantly filled their mouths and eyes with dry tobacco dust.

He was a new man outer England fresh caught and talked down his throat. And he fooled ME the darter of an old family that was settled on the right bank of the Mizzouri afore Dan'l Boone came to Kentucky with his new philanderings. Then he broke up, and went all to pieces when we struck Californy, and left ME Sally Magregor, whose father had niggers of his own to wash for Rough and Ready!

He thought the chances were better with a big party than alone. I saw him again yesterday, and he told me that Davis and Lee, his chief of staff, were to be at a party in the Rosedale house on Thursday next. Now, we can pick up Davis just as well as Boone. There is the whole plan." "Oh, that's a different matter. Davis will not be near the city, and his keeping will not add to our danger.

"What's the trouble, Peleg?" he demanded. "I shot a redskin! There must be a good many more!" replied the boy, almost breathless in his excitement. "The varmint was daubed with paint and gobbling like a turkey, trying to draw some one into his trap." "Did young Boone go with you?" "No, he heard another 'turkey." "Where is he now?" demanded Sam sharply. "I do not know.

We have already stated that the land granted to Colonel Boone, in consideration of his performing the duties of Syndic, was lost by his omission to comply with the legal formalities necessary to secure his title.