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He was a hideous wretch, with eyes nearly closed and bleary, thick, matted hair, and fiendish expression in short, a devil incarnate in rags and squalor. But as the joms passed I found it difficult to repel my associates. They were always inflicting their society upon me, and thrusting on me nasty little acts of kindness.

A chap doesn't want to see a play on a chap's birthday!..." It occurred to Henry that Lord Jasper Jayne was slightly drunk. He had swallowed the second whisky and soda rather more expeditiously than he had swallowed the first, and no doubt he had dined well. There was a bleary look in his eyes that signified a heated brain....

The faces had little more than bleary eyes in common, for there were bearded men, and smooth-shaven faces, and lean and fat men; there were round, cherubic countenances, and lean, hungry heads; there were squared, protruding chins, and there were chins which sloped away awkwardly toward the neck; in fact it seemed that the sheriff had collected twenty specimens to represent every phase of weakness and strength in the human physiognomy.

Now, unless No. 4 gets in in five minutes, the sun will be lighting the length of the shed at Argenta, and we've got cars to cut out there, too. Confound No. 4!" And then a certain superfluous lantern, bleary with a night of service, came dawdling up the side of the train, and the conductor hove in sight, watch in hand. "Four left Argenta on time," said he to the engineer.

So we don't adolescence; we blunder up to sex. Dare dare to look and he may dirt you for ever! The girls are terror-stricken to silence by his significant whiskers, by the bleary something in his eyes." Suddenly Ewart, with an almost Jack-in-the-box effect, sat up. "He's about us everywhere, Ponderevo," he said, very solemnly. "Sometimes sometimes I think he is in our blood. In MINE."

"This here campoody of yours ain't a terrible bad place to be right bow, Poke, old scout. Not a bad place a-tall." "You said twice, she was nice," put in old man Adams, his bleary, red rimmed ferret eyes gimleting at the stage driver. "But you ain't said who she was? Now..." Hap Smith stared at him and chuckled. "Ain't that jus' like Adams for you?" he wanted to know. "Who is she, he says!

Mole cursed for awhile, and muttered something about "good patriots" and about "retribution." Then, worried by the light, he turned slowly round, and with fish-like, bleary eyes looked upon his visitor. The words of stinging irony and triumphant sarcasm, all fully prepared, froze on Chauvelin's lips.

Then with his easy bow and touching his hat to her as though she had been a queen, Michael turned and walked away out of the alley. Old Sal stood watching him, a kind of wistful wonder in her bleary eyes. No gentleman had ever tipped his hat to her, and no man had ever done her reverence. From her little childhood she had been brought up to forfeit the respect of men.

"You bet we do." He took a deep gulp and handed it to Hickey, whose bleary eyes had watered at the very sight of the flask. François turned to Handsome. "Where is ze trail?" he asked. "Over yonder," growled the big fellow in surly tones and making a sweeping gesture with his arm which embraced every quarter of the compass. "Rather indefinite, I should say," smiled the valet. "Where you go?

As he leaned over the insensible man, his light, bleary eyes gleaming with ferocious satisfaction, his lank, shambling figure, and yellow, matted hair hanging in elf locks round his sharp visage, he looked like an unclean bird of prey hovering over a carcase.