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There were many years in which my father believed the practices which he followed in behalf of your railroad to be necessary and hence justified. And I have given you the credit of holding the same belief. Public opinion would not, perhaps, at that time have protected your property from political blackmail. I merely wished you to know, Mr.

Vanderbilt is in every case portrayed as an eminently high-minded man who never stooped to dissimulation, deceit or treachery, and whose first millions, at any rate, were made in the legitimate ways of trade as they were then understood. The truth is that the bulk of Vanderbilt's original millions were the proceeds of extortion, blackmail and theft.

Benson got up from his chair and crossed over to him. "What is this?" he asked, quietly. "Blackmail?" "Call it what you like," said Carr. "I've got some letters for sale, price fifteen hundred. And I know a man who would buy them at that price for the mere chance of getting Olive from you. I'll give you first offer."

I think this was chiefly because most of the newspapers which noticed the matter at all treated it in such a cynical spirit as to encourage the men who wished to blackmail. These papers reported the introduction of the bill, and said that "all the hungry legislators were clamoring for their share of the pie"; and they accepted as certain the fact that there was going to be a division of "pie."

To yield to blackmail would be fatal; not to yield to it he could not see his way. He had long ago forgotten the fire, and blood, and shame. No Whisperer reminded him of that black page in the history of his life; he had been immune of conscience. He could not understand this man before him.

Or was it could it be that the woman was Carrie, and that her object was to warn Dudley? To associate Carrie herself with the levying of blackmail was not possible to the susceptible Max in the present state of his feelings toward her. And, just as he was meditating upon this mystery, all unprepared for a meeting with his sister, Doreen waylaid him.

O'Neil did try to interest the Heidlemanns, but they wouldn't have anything to do with him, and the S. R. & N. was going to smash when Mr. Illis came along, barely in time. It was too exiting and dramatic for anything the way Mr. O'Neil found him when he was in hiding " "Hiding?" "Yes. There was something about blackmail, or a secret arrangement between Mr.

Carson could not read were: "I would sooner be rented than, etc." Rent is a slang term for blackmail. A famous Italian restaurant in Soho: it had several "private rooms." Mr. Carson here made a mistake; there is no such incident in the story: the error merely shows how prejudiced his mind was.

'Quite certain, replied Baltic, emphatically; 'if only on account of Jentham's boast about being able to get money, and the fact that Bishop Pendle went up to London to procure the blackmail. 'How does he know how does anyone know that the bishop did so?

These four were contribution-men, that is to say, they paid the Union a shilling per week for permission to make bricks; but this weekly payment was merely a sort of blackmail, it entitled them to no relief from the Union when out of work: so a three-weeks' strike brought them to starvation, and they could cooperate no longer with the genuine Union men, who were relieved from the box all this time.