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But as he sings something frightens him; then he cries, 'quick! quick! quick! and hurries away in a rather clumsy fashion. If any one could understand the meaning of all that the Robin says and put it into our words, we should be able to make a very good dictionary of the language of Birdland."

I was in the very heart of Birdland. These broad, table-flat stretches of rich plateau, now half inundated, seemed some enormous outdoor aviary. Every species of winged creature one had hoped ever to see even in Zoo cages or the cases of museums seemed here to live and fly and have its songful being.

All the tribulations of birdland fell to her lot. She was so frail and weak she lost her family in migration, and followed with some strangers that were none too kind. Life in the South had been full of trouble. Once a bullet grazed her so closely she lost two of her wing quills, and that made her more timid than ever.

"Yes, Nat; we've hit upon birdland the first try," said my uncle. "But it seems as if we shall have to leave it unless we can be sure that the Indians are friendly." As he spoke, we both examined the footprints again. "Savage marks for certain, Nat," said my uncle. "Do you see? These fellows have not been in the habit of wearing shoes." "Yes, I see," I replied.

This trait has given them the reputation of being the most polite birds in all Birdland. One will find a dainty morsel and offer it to his next neighbor, who passes it on hunt-the-slipper fashion until some one makes up his mind to eat it, or returns it to its original owner.

"Those are members of the Blackbird family called Cowbirds, because they follow the cows as they feed, in order to pick up worms and bugs that are shaken out of the grass. But I am sorry to say that these birds are the vagabonds of Birdland the tramps I told you of." The Baltimore Oriole Length seven and a half inches.

This, I am disposed to believe, is one of the compensating uses of this parasite, and may furnish the reason for his being tolerated in birdland. And he is tolerated. Has any one ever seen other birds driving the cowbird away from their breeding precincts, or charging him with desperate courage, as they do the blue jays, the hawks, the owls, and other predatory species?

"What have mulberry trees to do with birds?" asked Nat, without stopping to think. "Everything," said the Doctor. "The mulberry is one of the most attractive fruits to our familiar birds, and at least twenty-five species feed upon it greedily. "Whoever plants a mulberry tree in his garden sends a public invitation through Birdland for its people to come and live with him.

One never knows what he will do next. If he should try to be fashionable" But the Crow had passed on without listening to the Stork's sarcasm. As he went through Birdland he drew behind him a following of feathered citizens, chattering, screaming, tittering all together like the crowd after a circus procession.

Like a falling star the bright speck flashed through the air, drawing ever nearer and nearer to the cool waters of Birdland and the safety which awaited him there. The other birds gathered in a flock about their king and anxiously watched the Wren's approach. Suddenly the Robin cried out, "Alas! He burns! He has caught fire!" And off darted the faithful little friend to help the Wren.