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Then with a pull at his hat, and a "good-bye, ma'am, good luck," the man from Beyanst rode out of the gundy camp, and out of our lives, to become one of its pleasant memories. The man from Beyanst was our only visitor for the first week, in that camp, and then after that we had some one every day.

"I suppose you saw what I did, the air full of water, trees, limbs, stones and lightning." "While we were peepin' over the edge of the rock, ye moind that the wind cut our faces so we had to lower 'em to keep our heads flyin' off where we couldn't find 'em agin. It was yersilf that stuck yer nose in the ground, but I took a paap off beyanst the creek and I saan one of the Winnebagos."

"Your'n, I s'pose"; then, sheepish once more, he returned it to his pocket, saying he "s'posed he might as well keep it for luck." It being a new experience to one of the plain sisterhood to feel a man was cherishing one of her hairpins, if only "for luck," I warmed towards the "man from Beyanst," and grew hopeful of rivalling even that cabbage in his memory.

"Was it me you wanted to see, Clancy?" he said. "No, sorr yes, sorr," said Clancy hurriedly, and then more slowly, in neat adoption of the remarks he had just heard: "Leastways, sorr, I was just afther wondering if you had heard anything of this tale of a German Gineral lying out there on the ground beyanst." "You mean the one that was shot last week?" said Riley.

"Most of the others I've struck seemed too good for rough chaps like us. Of course," he added hastily, "that's not saying that you're not as good as 'em. You ain't a Freezer on a pedestal, that's all." "Thank Heaven," the Maluka murmured and the man from Beyanst sympathised with him.

Then, as Cheon gravely measured his inches with his eye, a burly chuckle shook the boss drover's great frame as he repeated: "Just as many as you think I can hold," adding in half apology: "been away from women and vegetables for fifteen months." "That's nothing," we told him, quoting the man from Beyanst, but hopeful to find the woman placed first.

Then Dan having found a kindred spirit in the traveller, laid a favourite trap for one of his favourite jokes: shaking out a worn old bluey, he examined it carefully in the firelight. "Blanket's a bit thin, mate," said the man from Beyanst, unconsciously playing his part. "Surely it can't keep you warm"; and Dan's eyes danced in anticipation of his joke.

And then these travellers, too, passed out of our camp to become, with the man from Beyanst, just pleasant memories. "She'll find mere men unsatisfying after this," the Maluka said in farewell, and a mere man coming in from the north-west before sundown, greeted the Maluka with: "Thought you married a towny," as he pointed with eloquent forefinger at our supper circle.

"My gracious, Terry; if you could shoot like you can talk, we wouldn't have to wait long for something to eat." "Whisht, Fred," whispered Terry, in some excitement; "the wood just beyanst ye looks as if it wasn't any wood at all." Fred Linden had noticed the peculiarity.

"A pity the man from Beyanst wasn't about," Dan said when he heard of the daily menu.