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Do you mean to say that you leave that hole there in the road right along that people keep on trying to avoid it and get stuck as I was? Oh! If I were an official " "Vell, I dunno, I don't guess I run my place to suit you smart alecks " "Papa! How you talk on the young lady! Make shame!" " from the city. If you don't like it, you stay bei Mineapolis! I haul you out for t'ree dollars and a half.

The German galloped into sight, around the turn of the road, his rifle laid across his saddle. He came on rapidly, pulled up, and dismounted at the ditch. "Dey're commen," he cried, trembling with excitement. "I watch um long dime bei der side oaf der roadt in der busches. Dey shtop bei der gate oder side der relroadt trecks and talk long dime mit one n'udder. Den dey gome on.

"Moses, trotz seiner Bafeindung der Kunst, dennoch selber ein grosser Künstler war und den wahren Künstlergeist besass. Nur war dieser Künstlergeist bei ihm, wie bei seinen ägyptischen Landsleuteu, nurauf das Colossale und Unverwustliche gerichtet.

Pushing aside some branches we came to a slender Gothic memorial in grey stone, inscribed with bas-reliefs of battle scenes, showing Prussians forcing a landing in boats and Danes resisting with savage tenacity. In the failing light we spelt out an inscription: 'Den bei dem Meeres-Uebergange und der Eroberung von Alsen am 29.

Two days before, eight hundred French soldiers had crossed into the island of Lobau to drive out the Austrian scouts; on the nineteenth Napoleon arrived, and the necessary fortifications were constructed; on the twentieth the passage began, and Masséna, with Lannes's light cavalry, was sent out to reconnoiter. Smekal: Die Schlacht bei Aspern und Essling. Strobl: Aspern und Wagram.

This record of Norwegian folk-lore is translated from a little work Sundalen og Öksendalens Beskrivelse written by Pastor Chr. Glükstad and published at Christiania "about twenty years ago." Prof. VI. Titelbach, "Das heilige Feuer bei den Balkanslaven," Inter-nationales Archiv für Ethnographie, xiii. pp. 2 sq. As to the need-fire in Bulgaria see also below, pp. 284 sq.

The doctor turned away from his companions in crime and distress, and took a few steps towards the gunwale. Reaching the side, he looked into space, and said, in a deep voice, "Bist du bei mir?" Perchance he was addressing some phantom. The wreck was sinking. Behind the doctor all the others were in a dream. Prayer mastered them by main force. They did not bow, they were bent.

McTeague's eye was caught by a railroad calendar hanging over the desk. There was no time to think. "Burlington," he said, loudly. The German took a card from a file and wrote it down. "Give dis card to der boarding-boss, down at der boarding-haus, den gome find me bei der mill at sex o'clock, und I set you to work."

"There is an injured man down the road a way," said Orme. "Motor-car smash." "So?" "His leg is broken, I think. I made him as comfortable as I could. Can you get a doctor? The man will rest quiet till a doctor comes. He can't be moved very well." "Ein doctor? Ja. Es ist one bei Niles Center. Mein son vill go for him. Too bad! Too bad! Come in." "No, thank you," said Orme carelessly.

Hamer, C. den, IETS OVER HET TATOUEEREN OF TOETANG BIJ DE BIADJOE-STAMMEN. 6. Hein, A. R., DIE BILDENDEN KUNSTE BEI DEN DAYAKS AUF BORNEO . 7. Nieuwenhuis, Dr. A. W., IN CENTRAL BORNEO . vol. i. 9. Nieuwenhuis, Dr. A. W., QUER DURCH BORNEO , vol. i. 10. Schwaner, Dr. Ling Roth, vol. ii. pp. cxci to cxcv. 11. Whitehead, J., EXPLORATION OF MOUNT KINA BALU, NORTH BORNEO .