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His poem on "Aboriginal Britons," which won a prize given in 1791 by Earl Harcourt, is mentioned favourably in Byron's English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. Richards became vicar of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields and a Governor of Christ's Hospital. He founded a gold medal for Latin hexameters. S ... M . According to the Key "Scott, died in Bedlam," and "Maunde, dismiss'd school."

Were you now visiting Bedlam, would you think yourself miserable because its mad inhabitants despised you, for not being as mighty a monarch as each of themselves? But little depth of penetration is necessary, to perceive that the lunatics around us are no less worthy of our laughter and our pity. 'If I do not mistake, you, Mr.

Why did this coasting along unknown northern islands not lead to Kamchatka? The councils were no longer the orderly conferences of savants over cut-and-dried maps. They were bedlam. Panic was in the marrow of every man, even the passionate Steller, who thought all the while they were on the coast of Kamchatka and made loud complaint that the expedition had been misled by "unscrupulous leaders."

Even through the closed window the noise of the mill penetrated. The yard-engine whistled shrilly. The clatter of motor-trucks, the far away roar of the furnaces, the immediate vicinity of many typewriters, made a very bedlam of sound. Mr. Dunbar drew his chair closer, and laid a card on the desk. "My credentials," he explained. Clayton read the card. "Very well, Mr. Dunbar.

At least ten million people must, since 1903, have taken part in the present Tariff Reform controversy; and that controversy would have degenerated into mere Bedlam if it had not been for the existence of the Board of Trade Returns, with whose figures both sides had at least to appear to square their arguments. Bonar's Malthus, chap. vii. Hansard, Feb. 4th, 5th, 6th, 1830.

He was not content with the fair face of beauty. He dissected beauty in his crowded little bedroom laboratory, where cooking smells alternated with the outer bedlam of the Silva tribe; and, having dissected and learned the anatomy of beauty, he was nearer being able to create beauty itself. He was so made that he could work only with understanding.

"Will you have the goodness to tell me, miss, why you are dressed up after that Mad Bess of Bedlam fashion?" The reader will no doubt bear in mind that Clara had other words of which to think besides those which were addressed to her by her mother. Dalrymple had asked her to be his wife in the plainest possible language, and she thought that the very plainness of the language became him well.

How is one to have any dealings with the brutes, or any peace with them?" His rage and bitterness made her somehow feel her bruises less. She even looked up in protest. "Well, it was only a boy, and you used to think he wasn't all there." "Oh! all there!" said George, scornfully. "There'd be half of them in Bedlam if one had to make that excuse for them.

'The Derby Winner is my property, said Sir Harry, bluffly, 'and it sha'n't be shut up for a dozen Mrs Panseys. 'Think of a dozen Mrs Panseys, murmured Lucy, pensively. 'Think of Bedlam and Pandemonium, my dear! Thank goodness Mrs Pansey is the sole specimen of her kind. Nature broke the mould when that clacking nuisance was turned out. She 'Harry! you really must not speak so loud.

I had heard most of the things before as gossip never before as here put together by a responsible hand. Mrs. We have kept no copy, and I wish this burned, if you please. It would raise a riot here, if any breath of it were to get out, that would put bedlam to shame. Lord Cowdray has been to see me for four successive days. His government contract is becoming a bad thing to sleep with.