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The promenade for the guards, where a few drinking fountains were the only obstructions, was one seething mass of feminine youth. The Rector, attracted by that curious riot of tobacco-girls, had paused on the sidewalk across the street, among the newspaper stands. A strange fascination it had for him, that moving mass of white handkerchiefs drawn tightly over pretty foreheads! What a bedlam!

"Here's Bedlam, doubtless," said I. By the time we entered the den the brawling had ceased. Of the company, one was on the ground insensible; another was in a yet more deplorable condition; another was nodding over a hearthful of battered pots, pieces of pipes, and oozings of ale.

At this hour such actions was her house to be turned into Bedlam? such indecent display of limbs she was sick with shame for Angel would discuss his conduct further, with him, tomorrow. She waited while I undressed and stood over us while we said our prayers at the side of the bed, at last extinguishing the light with a final admonition to be silent. I was bitterly disappointed in Angel.

The Khatkan did not have time to rise from his knees as the barrel of the fire rod struck his head, sending him spinning. Then the drum was cradled in the spaceman's arm, close to his chest, his weapon aimed across it at the startled natives. The crackle of blaster fire, the shrill whine of needlers in action, raised a bedlam from the other end of the camp.

Over in North Dayton, when the lowlands were inundated by the rush of the waters of the Mad River, the foreign population, which practically occupies that section, was driven to the upper floors and the housetops. With the extinguishing of the city's lights bedlam broke loose in various portions of North Dayton.

"Look here, Fulkerson," said March, "you'd better call this fortnightly of yours 'The Madness o f the Half-Moon'; or 'Bedlam Broke Loose' wouldn't be bad! Why do you throw away all your hard earnings on such a crazy venture? Don't do it!"

Ripton gave him a commoner's obeisance; but getting to the door, the sense of the matter enlightened him. "It's a duel, my lord?" "No help for it, if his friends don't shut him up in Bedlam between this and to-morrow morning." Of all horrible things a duel was the worst in Ripton's imagination.

In short, all our causes were prosperous, when an event occurred, the details of which, of course, I did not obtain until some time afterwards, but which I shall narrate here. My uncle was very much alarmed when he discovered that I had been released from Bedlam still more so, when he had notice given him of a suit, relative to the succession to the title.

You no more think of madness by having windows that look to Bedlam, than you think of death by having windows that look to a church-yard. MRS. BURNEY. 'We may look to a church-yard, Sir; for it is right that we should be kept in mind of death. JOHNSON. 'Nay, Madam, if you go to that, it is right that we should be kept in mind of madness, which is occasioned by too much indulgence of imagination.

All that I know now is that I saw a woman who is under sentence of death for having poisoned her sister. She appeared to me to be insane; but it is said that it is a frequent attempt of the prisoners to sham madness, in order to get to Bedlam, from which they can get out when cured.