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She led the way to the bier, where the body, with the frost hardly yet thawed from it, lay under the dim light of the chandelier. Turning up the burners it was revealed in its relentless, though not unhappy, expression a large and powerful man, bearded and with tassels of gray in his hair.

Big bearded men, habited in homespun; some wearing buckskin, others blanket coats; all carrying guns, bowie-knives, and pistols; the first smoking at the muzzles, as freshly fired, the last held in hand, ready to be discharged as soon as somebody worth shooting at shows himself.

"And do you know the uniform of a Union officer when you see it?" Virgie's small mouth dropped open at the absurdity of the question and she almost laughed. "A Yankee?" she queried with scorn. "Well, I reckon I ought to by this time." "Very good," the brown bearded man nodded, and gently blew smoke at the ceiling. "Now, tell me.

Phœnix looked up into the strange, bearded face, and deliberated an instant whether to crow or to weep. Then some friendly god decided him. He laughed as sweetly, as musically, as ever one can at his most august age. With both chubby hands he plucked at the black beard and held tight. The strange sailor answered laugh with laugh, and released himself right gayly.

Out in the wheat-fields were engines with steam already up, with combines and threshers and wagons waiting for the word to start. Jake enjoyed the keen curiosity roused by his approach. Neuman strode out from a group of waiting men. He was huge of build, ruddy-faced and bearded, with deep-set eyes. "Are you Neuman?" inquired Jake. "That's me," gruffly came the reply. "I'm Anderson's foreman.

The alleged fat woman looked as if she was wasting away with consumption, and the bearded lady had a way of absentmindedly humming the popular airs in a bass voice which gave the whole snap away. There was one likely looking girl and when I asked her what she was she told me she was the web-footed lady and showed me her feet, which had little pieces of skin growing between the toes.

They saw women charming snakes; then they saw a boxing match, and afterward they all looked on a bout of wrestling. Theseus looked past the wrestlers and he saw, at the other end of the hall, the daughter of King Minos and her two attendant maidens. One broad-shouldered and bearded man overthrew all the wrestlers who came to grips with him.

Titian himself is looking up, and near him stands his friend, Andrea de' Franceschi, grand-chancellor of Venice, robed as a Cavaliero di San Marco. In the fine bearded head of the priest, who stands behind the high-priest, we may recognize, I think, the likeness of Cardinal Bembo.

The sergeant was a vast man, blond as a straw and bearded like an Assyrian bull, the right shape of man to wear official buttons.

"Blakeson & Grinder, or some of their tools probably the bearded man or Waddington found out about this shaft which led down into our tunnel. They induced the first ten men to quit, and when Tim went to get the fuse the rope was let down, and the men climbed up here, one after the other. Those Indians can climb like cats.